Chapter 12

The Weird Parts

Explore TypeScript's treatment of the 'any' type, arrays, excess properties, object types, enums, classes, and function behaviors.


We've now got a good understanding of most of TypeScript's features. Let's take it to the next level. By exploring some of the more unusual and lesser-known parts of TypeScript, we'll gain a deeper understanding of how it works.

The Evolving any Type

While most of the time we want to have our types remain static, it is possible to create variables that can dynamically change their type like in JavaScript. This can be done with a technique called the "evolving any" which takes advantage of how variables are declared and inferred when no type is specified.

To start, use let to declare the variable without a type, and TypeScript will infer it as any:

let myVar;
let myVar: any

Now the myVar variable will take on the inferred type of whatever is assigned to it.

For example, we can assign it a number then call number methods like toExponential() on it. Later, we could change it to a string and convert it to all caps:

myVar = 659457206512;

console.log(myVar.toExponential()); // logs "6.59457206512e+11"

myVar = "mf doom";

console.log(myVar.toUpperCase()); // logs "MF DOOM"

This is like an advanced form of narrowing, where the type of the variable is narrowed based on the value assigned to it.

Evolving any Arrays

This technique of using the evolving any also works with arrays. When you declare an array without a specific type, you can push various types of elements to it:

const evolvingArray = [];


const elem = evolvingArray[0];
const elem: string
evolvingArray.push(123); const elem2 = evolvingArray[1];
const elem2: string | number

Even without specifying types, TypeScript is incredibly smart about picking up on your actions and the behavior you're pushing to evolving any types.

Excess Property Warnings

A deeply confusing part of TypeScript is how it handles excess properties in objects. In many situations, TypeScript won't show errors you might expect when working with objects.

Let's create an Album interface that includes title and releaseYear properties:

interface Album {
  title: string;
  releaseYear: number;

Here we create an untyped rubberSoul object that includes an excess label property:

const rubberSoul = {
  title: "Rubber Soul",
  releaseYear: 1965,
  label: "Parlophone",

Now if we create a processAlbum function that accepts an Album and logs it, we can pass in the rubberSoul object without any issues:

const processAlbum = (album: Album) => console.log(album);

processAlbum(rubberSoul); // No error!

This seems strange! We would expect TypeScript to show an error for the excess label property, but it doesn't.

Even more strangely, when we pass the object inline, we do get an error:

  title: "Rubber Soul",
  releaseYear: 1965,
  label: "Parlophone",
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'label' does not exist in type 'Album'.2353
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'label' does not exist in type 'Album'.});

Why the different behavior?

No Excess Property Checks On Variables

In the first example, we assigned the album to a variable, then passed the variable into our function. In this situation, TypeScript won't check for excess properties.

The reason is that we might be using that variable in other places where the excess property is needed. TypeScript doesn't want to get in the way of that.

But when we inline the object, TypeScript knows that we're not going to use it elsewhere, so it checks for excess properties.

This can make you think that TypeScript cares about excess properties - but it doesn't. It only checks for them in certain situations.

This behavior can be frustrating when you misspell the names of an optional parameter. Imagine you misspell timeout as timeOut:

const myFetch = (options: { url: string; timeout?: number }) => {
  // Implementation

const options = {
  url: "/",
  timeOut: 1000,

myFetch(options); // No error!

In this case, TypeScript won't show an error, and you won't get the runtime behavior you expect. The only way to source the error would be to provide a type annotation for the options object:

const options: { timeout?: number } = {
  timeOut: 1000,
Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'timeOut' does not exist in type '{ timeout?: number | undefined; }'. Did you mean to write 'timeout'?2561
Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'timeOut' does not exist in type '{ timeout?: number | undefined; }'. Did you mean to write 'timeout'?};

Now, we're comparing an inline object to a type, and TypeScript will check for excess properties.

No Excess Property Checks When Comparing Functions

Another situation where TypeScript won't check for excess properties is when comparing functions.

Let's imagine we have a remapAlbums function that itself accepts a function:

const remapAlbums = (albums: Album[], remap: (album: Album) => Album) => {

This function takes an array of Albums and a function that remaps each Album. This can be used to change the properties of each Album in the array.

We can call it like this to increment the releaseYear of each album by one:

const newAlbums = remapAlbums(albums, (album) => ({
  releaseYear: album.releaseYear + 1,

But as it turns out, we can pass an excess property to the return type of the function without TypeScript complaining:

const newAlbums = remapAlbums(albums, (album) => ({
  releaseYear: album.releaseYear + 1,
  strangeProperty: "This is strange",

Now, our newAlbums array will have an excess strangeProperty property on each Album object, without TypeScript even knowing about it. It thinks that the return type of the function is Album[], but it's actually (Album & { strangeProperty: string })[].

The way we'd get this 'working' is to add a return type annotation to our inline function:

const newAlbums = remapAlbums(
  (album): Album => ({
    releaseYear: album.releaseYear + 1,
    strangeProperty: "This is strange",
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'strangeProperty' does not exist in type 'Album'.2353
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'strangeProperty' does not exist in type 'Album'. }), );

This will cause TypeScript to show an error for the excess strangeProperty property.

This works because in this situation, we're comparing an inline object (the value we're returning) directly to a type. TypeScript will check for excess properties in this case.

Without a return type annotation, TypeScript ends up trying to compare two functions, and it doesn't really mind if a function returns too many properties.

Open vs Closed Object Types

TypeScript, by default, treats all objects as open. At any time, it expects that other properties might be present on objects.

Other languages, like Flow, treat objects as closed by default. Flow is Meta's internal type system, and by default requires objects to be exact (their term for 'closed').

function method(obj: { foo: string }) {
  /* ... */

method({ foo: "test", bar: 42 }); // Error!

You can opt in to open (or inexact) objects in Flow with a ... syntax:

function method(obj: { foo: string, ... }) {
  /* ... */

method({ foo: "test", bar: 42 }); // No more error!

But Flow recommends you use closed objects by default. They think that, especially when working with spread operators, it's better to err on the side of caution.

Why Does TypeScript Treat Objects As Open?

Open objects more closely reflect how JavaScript actually works. Any type system for JavaScript - a very dynamic language - has to be relatively cautious about how 'safe' it can truly be.

So, TypeScript's decision to treat objects as open by default is a reflection of the language it's trying to type. It also more closely reflects how objects work in other languages.

The issue is that the excess properties warning can often make you think TypeScript uses closed objects.

But really, the excess properties warning is more like a courtesy. It's only used in cases where the object can't be modified elsewhere.

Object Keys Are Loosely Typed

A consequence of TypeScript having open object types is that iterating over the keys of an object can be frustrating.

In JavaScript, calling Object.keys with an object will return an array of strings representing the keys.

const yetiSeason = {
  title: "Yeti Season",
  artist: "El Michels Affair",
  releaseYear: 2021,

const keys = Object.keys(yetiSeason);
const keys: string[]

In theory, you can then use those keys to access the values of the object:

keys.forEach((key) => {
  console.log(yetiSeason[key]); // Red squiggly line under key
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'.7053
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'.});

But we're getting an error. TypeScript is telling us that we can't use string to access the properties of yetiSeason.

The only way this would work would be if key was typed as 'title' | 'artist' | 'releaseYear'. In other words, as keyof typeof yetiSeason. But it's not - it's typed as string.

The reason for this comes back to Object.keys - it returns string[], not (keyof typeof obj)[].

const keys = Object.keys(yetiSeason);
Cannot find name 'yetiSeason'.2304
Cannot find name 'yetiSeason'.
const keys: string[]

By the way, the same behavior happens with for ... in loops:

for (const key in yetiSeason) {
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'.7053
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number; }'.}

This is a consequence of TypeScript's open object types. TypeScript can't know the exact keys of an object at compile time, so it has to assume that there are unspecified keys on every object. The safest thing for it to do is, when you're enumerating the keys of an object, to treat them all as string.

We'll look at a few ways to work around this in the exercises below.

The Empty Object Type

Another consequence of open object types is that the empty object type {} doesn't behave the way you might expect.

To set the stage, let's revisit the type assignability chart:

type assignability chart

At the top of the chart is the unknown type, which can accept all other types. At the bottom is the never type, which no other type can be assigned to, but the never type itself can be assigned to any other type.

Between the never and unknown types is a universe of types. The empty object type {} has a unique place in this universe. Instead of representing an empty object, as you might imagine, it actually represents anything that isn't null or undefined.

This means that it can accept a number of other types: string, number, boolean, function, symbol, and objects containing properties.

All of the following are valid assignments:

const coverArtist: {} = "Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo";
const upcCode: {} = 724384260910;

const submit = (homework: {}) => console.log(homework);
submit("Oh Yeah");

However, trying to call submit with null or undefined will result in a TypeScript error:

Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type '{}'.2345
Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type '{}'.

This might feel a bit strange. But it makes sense when you remember that TypeScript's objects are open. Imagine our success function actually took an object containing message. TypeScript would be happy if we passed it an excess property:

const success = (response: { message: string }) =>

const messageWithExtra = { message: "Success!", extra: "This is extra" };

success(messageWithExtra); // No Error!

An empty object is really the 'most open' object. Strings, numbers, booleans can all be considered objects in JavaScript. They each have properties, and methods. So TypeScript is happy to assign them to an empty object type.

The only things in JavaScript that don't have properties are null and undefined. Attempting to access a property on either of these will result in a runtime error. So, they don't fit the definition of an object in TypeScript.

When you consider this, the empty object type {} is a rather elegant solution to the problem of representing anything that isn't null or undefined.

The Type and Value Worlds

For the most part, TypeScript can be separated into two syntatical spaces: the type world and the value world. These two worlds can live side-by-side in the same line of code:

const myNumber: number = 42;
//    ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^   ^^
//    value     type     value

This can be confusing, especially because TypeScript likes to reuse the same keywords across both worlds:

if (typeof key === "string" && (key as keyof typeof obj)) {
  //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  //value                           type

But TypeScript treats this boundary very strictly. For instance, you can't use a type in the value world:

type Album = {
  title: string;
  artist: string;

'Album' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.2693
'Album' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.

As you can see, Album doesn't even exist in the value world, so TypeScript shows an error when we try to use it as one.

Another common example is trying to pass a value directly to a type:

type Album = ReturnType<processAlbum>;
'processAlbum' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof processAlbum'?2749
'processAlbum' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof processAlbum'?

In this case, TypeScript suggests using typeof processAlbum instead of processAlbum to fix the error.

These boundaries are very clear - except in a few cases. Some entities can exist in both the type and value worlds.


Consider this Song class that uses the shortcut of declaring properties in the constructor:

class Song {
  title: string;
  artist: string;

  constructor(title: string, artist: string) {
    this.title = title;
    this.artist = artist;

We can use the Song class as a type, for instance to type a function's parameter:

const playSong = (song: Song) =>
  console.log(`Playing ${song.title} by ${song.artist}`);

This type refers to an instance of the Song class, not the class itself:

const song1 = new Song("Song 1", "Artist 1");


Argument of type 'typeof Song' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Song'. Type 'typeof Song' is missing the following properties from type 'Song': title, artist2345
Argument of type 'typeof Song' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Song'. Type 'typeof Song' is missing the following properties from type 'Song': title, artist

In this case, TypeScript shows an error when we try to pass the Song class itself to the playSong function. This is because Song is a class, and not an instance of the class.

So, classes exists in both the type and value worlds, and represents an instance of the class when used as a type.


Enums can also cross between worlds.

Consider this AlbumStatus enum, and a function that determines whether a discount is available:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = 0,
  OnSale = 1,
  StaffPick = 2,
  Clearance = 3,

function logAlbumStatus(status: AlbumStatus) {
  if (status === AlbumStatus.NewRelease) {
    console.log("No discount available.");
  } else {
    console.log("Discounted price available.");

You could use typeof AlbumStatus to refer to the entire structure of the enum itself:

function logAlbumStatus(status: typeof AlbumStatus) {
  // ...implementation

But then you'd need to pass in a structure matching the enum to the function:

  NewRelease: 0,
  OnSale: 1,
  StaffPick: 2,
  Clearance: 3,

When used as a type, enums refer to the members of the enum, not the entire enum itself.

The this Keyword

The this keyword can also cross between the type and value worlds.

To illustrate, we'll work with this Song class that has a slightly different implementation than the one we saw earlier:

class Song {
  playCount: number;

  constructor(title: string) {
    this.playCount = 0;

  play(): this {
    this.playCount += 1;
    return this;

Inside of the play method, this.playCount uses this as a value, to access the this.playCount property, but also as a type, to type the return value of the method.

When the play method returns this, in the type world it signifies that the method returns an instance of the current class.

This means that we can create a new Song instance and chain multiple calls to the play method:

const earworm = new Song("Mambo No. 5", "Lou Bega").play().play().play();

this is a rare case where this and typeof this are the same thing. We could replace the this return type with typeof this and the code would still work the same way:

class Song {
  // ...implementation

  play(): typeof this {
    this.playCount += 1;
    return this;

Both point to the current instance of the class.

Naming Types & Values the Same

Finally, it's possible to name types and values the same thing. This can be useful when you want to use a type as a value, or a value as a type.

Consider this Track object that has been created as a constant, and note the capital "T":

export const Track = {
  play: (title: string) => {
    console.log(`Playing: ${title}`);
  pause: () => {
    console.log("Song paused");
  stop: () => {
    console.log("Song stopped");

Next, we'll create a Track type that mirrors the Track constant:

export type Track = typeof Track;

We now have two entities being exported with the same name: one is a value, and the other is a type. This allows Track to serve as both when we go to use it.

Pretending we are in a different file, we can import Track and use it in a function that only plays "Mambo No. 5":

import { Track } from "./other-file";

const mamboNumberFivePlayer = (track: Track) => {"Mambo No. 5");


Here, we've used Track as a type to type the track parameter, and as a value to pass into the mamboNumberFivePlayer function.

Hovering over Track shows us that it is both a type and a value:

// hovering over { Track } shows:

(alias) type Track = {
  play: (title: string) => void;
  pause: () => void;
  stop: () => void;

(alias) const Track = {
  play: (title: string) => void;
  pause: () => void;
  stop: () => void;

As we can see, TypeScript has aliased Track to both the type and the value. This means it's available in both worlds.

A simple example would be to assert Track as Track:

console.log(Track as Track);
//          ^^^^^    ^^^^^
//          value    type

TypeScript can seamlessly switch between the two, and this can be quite useful when you want to reuse types as values, or values as types.

This double-duty functionality can prove quite useful, especially when you have things that feel like types that you want to reuse elsewhere in your code.

this in Functions

We've seen how this can be used in classes to refer to the current instance of the class. But this can also be used in functions and objects.

this with function

Here we have an object representing an album that includes a sellAlbum function written with the function keyword:

const solidAir = {
  title: "Solid Air",
  artist: "John Martyn",
  sales: 40000,
  price: 12.99,
  sellAlbum: function () {
    console.log(`${this.title} has sold ${this.sales} copies.`);

Note that inside of the sellAlbum function, this is used to access the sales and title properties of the album object.

When we call the sellAlbum function, it will increment the sales property and log the expected message:

album.sellAlbum(); // logs "Solid Air has sold 40001 copies."

This works because when declaring a function with the function keyword, this will always refer to the object that the function is a part of. Even when the function implementation is written outside of the object, this will still refer to the object when the function is called:

function sellAlbum() {
  console.log(`${this.title} has sold ${this.sales} copies.`);

const album = {
  title: "Solid Air",
  artist: "John Martyn",
  sales: 40000,
  price: 12.99,

While the sellAlbum function works, currently the this.title and this.sales properties are typed as any. So we need to find some way to type this in our function:

Fortunately, we can type this as a parameter in the function signature:

function sellAlbum(this: { title: string; sales: number }) {
  console.log(`${this.title} has sold ${this.sales} copies.`);

Note that this is not a parameter that needs to be passed in when calling the function. It just refers to the object that the function is a part of.

Now, we can pass the sellAlbum function to the album object:

const album = {

The type checking works in an odd way here - instead of checking this immediately, it checks it when the function is called:

The 'this' context of type '{ sellAlbum: (this: { title: string; sales: number; }) => void; }' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type '{ title: string; sales: number; }'. Type '{ sellAlbum: (this: { title: string; sales: number; }) => void; }' is missing the following properties from type '{ title: string; sales: number; }': title, sales2684
The 'this' context of type '{ sellAlbum: (this: { title: string; sales: number; }) => void; }' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type '{ title: string; sales: number; }'. Type '{ sellAlbum: (this: { title: string; sales: number; }) => void; }' is missing the following properties from type '{ title: string; sales: number; }': title, sales

We can fix this by adding the title and sales properties to the album object:

const album = {
  title: "Solid Air",
  sales: 40000,

Now when we call the sellAlbum function, TypeScript will know that this refers to an object with a title property of type string and a sales property of type number.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions, unlike, function keyword functions, can't be annotated with a this parameter:

const sellAlbum = (this: { title: string; sales: number }) => {
An arrow function cannot have a 'this' parameter.2730
An arrow function cannot have a 'this' parameter. // implementation };

This is because arrow functions can't inherit this from the scope where they're called. Instead, they inherit this from the scope where they're defined. This means they can only access this when defined inside classes.

Function Assignability

Let's dive deeper into how functions are compared in TypeScript.

Comparing Function Parameters

When checking if a function is assignable to another function, not all function parameters need to be implemented. This can be a little surprising.

Imagine that we're building a handlePlayer function. This function listens to a music player and calls a user-defined callback when certain events occur. It should be able to accept a callback that has a single parameter for a filename:

handlePlayer((filename: string) => console.log(`Playing ${filename}`));

It should also handle a callback with a filename and volume:

handlePlayer((filename: string, volume: number) =>
  console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume}`),

Finally, it should be able to handle a callback with a filename, volume, and bassBoost:

handlePlayer((filename: string, volume: number, bassBoost: boolean) => {
  console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume} with bass boost on!`);

It might be tempting to type CallbackType as a union of the three different function types:

type CallbackType =
  | ((filename: string) => void)
  | ((filename: string, volume: number) => void)
  | ((filename: string, volume: number, bassBoost: boolean) => void);

const handlePlayer = (callback: CallbackType) => {
  // implementation

However, this would result in an implicit any error when calling handlePlayer with both the single and double parameter callbacks:

handlePlayer((filename) => console.log(`Playing ${filename}`));
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type. handlePlayer((filename, volume) =>
Parameter 'volume' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'volume' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type. console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume}`), ); handlePlayer((filename, volume, bassBoost) => { console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume} with bass boost on!`); }); // no errors

This union of functions obviously isn't working. There's a simpler solution.

You can actually remove the first two members of the union and only include the member with all three parameters:

type CallbackType = (
  filename: string,
  volume: number,
  bassBoost: boolean,
) => void;

Once this change has been made, the implicit any errors with the other two callback versions will disappear.

handlePlayer((filename) => console.log(`Playing ${filename}`)); // No error

handlePlayer((filename, volume) =>
  console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume}`),
); // No error

This might seem weird at first - surely these functions are under-specified?

Let's break it down. The callback passed to handlePlayer will be called with three arguments. If the callback only accepts one or two arguments, this is fine! No runtime bugs will be caused by the callback ignoring the arguments.

If the callback accepts more arguments than are passed, TypeScript would show an error:

handlePlayer((filename, volume, bassBoost, extra) => {
Parameter 'extra' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'extra' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'bassBoost' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'bassBoost' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'volume' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'volume' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'filename' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Argument of type '(filename: any, volume: any, bassBoost: any, extra: any) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CallbackType'. Target signature provides too few arguments. Expected 4 or more, but got 3.2345
Argument of type '(filename: any, volume: any, bassBoost: any, extra: any) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CallbackType'. Target signature provides too few arguments. Expected 4 or more, but got 3. console.log(`Playing ${filename} at volume ${volume} with bass boost on!`); });

Since extra will never be passed to the callback, TypeScript shows an error.

But again, implementing fewer parameters than expected is fine. To further illustrate, we can see this concept in action when calling map on an array:

["macarena.mp3", "scatman.wma", "cotton-eye-joe.ogg"].map((file) =>

.map is always called with three arguments: the current element, the index, and the full array. But we don't have to use all of them. In this case, we only care about the file parameter.

So, just because a function can receive a certain number of parameters doesn't mean it has to use them all in its implementation.

Unions of Functions

When creating a union of functions, TypeScript will do something that might be unexpected. It will create an intersection of the parameters.

Consider this formatterFunctions object:

const formatterFunctions = {
  title: (album: { title: string }) => `Title: ${album.title}`,
  artist: (album: { artist: string }) => `Artist: ${album.artist}`,
  releaseYear: (album: { releaseYear: number }) =>
    `Release Year: ${album.releaseYear}`,

Each function in the formatterFunctions object accepts an album object with a specific property and returns a string.

Now, let's create a getAlbumInfo function that accepts an album object and a key that will be used to call the appropriate function from the formatterFunctions object:

const getAlbumInfo = (album: any, key: keyof typeof formatterFunctions) => {
  const functionToCall = formatterFunctions[key];

  return functionToCall(album);

We've annotated album as any for now, but let's take a moment to think: what should it be annotated with?

We can get a clue by hovering over functionToCall:

// hovering over functionToCall shows:
const functionToCall:
  | ((album: { title: string }) => string)
  | ((album: { artist: string }) => string)
  | ((album: { releaseYear: number }) => string);

functionToCall is being inferred as a union of the three different functions from the formatterFunctions object.

Surely, this means we should call it with a union of the three different types of album objects, right?

const getAlbumInfo = (
  album: { title: string } | { artist: string } | { releaseYear: number },
  key: keyof typeof formatterFunctions,
) => {
  const functionToCall = formatterFunctions[key];

  return functionToCall(album);
Argument of type '{ title: string; } | { artist: string; } | { releaseYear: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ title: string; } & { artist: string; } & { releaseYear: number; }'. Type '{ title: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ title: string; } & { artist: string; } & { releaseYear: number; }'. Property 'artist' is missing in type '{ title: string; }' but required in type '{ artist: string; }'.2345
Argument of type '{ title: string; } | { artist: string; } | { releaseYear: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ title: string; } & { artist: string; } & { releaseYear: number; }'. Type '{ title: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ title: string; } & { artist: string; } & { releaseYear: number; }'. Property 'artist' is missing in type '{ title: string; }' but required in type '{ artist: string; }'.};

We can see where we've gone wrong from the error. Instead of needing to be called with a union of the three different types of album objects, functionToCall actually needs to be called with an intersection of them.

This makes sense. In order to satisfy every function, we need to provide an object that has all three properties: title, artist, and releaseYear. If we miss off one of the properties, we'll fail to satisfy one of the functions.

So, we can provide a type that is an intersection of the three different types of album objects:

const getAlbumInfo = (
  album: { title: string } & { artist: string } & { releaseYear: number },
  key: keyof typeof formatterFunctions,
) => {
  const functionToCall = formatterFunctions[key];

  return functionToCall(album);

Which can itself be simplified to a single object type:

const getAlbumInfo = (
  album: { title: string; artist: string; releaseYear: number },
  key: keyof typeof formatterFunctions,
) => {
  const functionToCall = formatterFunctions[key];

  return functionToCall(album);

Now, when we call getAlbumInfo, TypeScript will know that album is an object with a title, artist, and releaseYear property.

const formatted = getAlbumInfo(
    title: "Solid Air",
    artist: "John Martyn",
    releaseYear: 1973,

This situation is relatively easy to resolve because each parameter is compatible with the others. But when dealing with incompatible parameters, things can get a bit more complicated. We'll investigate that more in the exercises.


Exercise 1: Accept Anything Except null and undefined

Here we have a function acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined that hasn't been assigned a type annotation yet:

const acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined = (input) => {};
Parameter 'input' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'input' implicitly has an 'any' type.

This function can be called with a variety of inputs: strings, numbers, boolean expressions, symbols, objects, arrays, functions, regex, and an Error class instance:

acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined(() => {});
acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined(new Error("foo"));

None of these inputs should throw an error.

However, as the name of the function suggests, if we pass null or undefined to the function, we want it to throw an error.

  // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. null, ); acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined( // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. undefined, );

Your task is to add a type annotation to the acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined function that will allow it to accept any value except null or undefined.

Exercise 1: Accept Anything Except null and undefined

Exercise 2: Detecting Excess Properties in an Object

In this exercise, we're dealing with an options object along FetchOptions interface which specifies url, method, headers, and body:

interface FetchOptions {
  url: string;
  method?: string;
  headers?: Record<string, string>;
  body?: string;

const options = {
  url: "/",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. search: new URLSearchParams({ limit: "10", }), };

Note that the options object has an excess property search which is not specified in the FetchOptions interface, along with a @ts-expect-error directive that currently isn't working.

There is also a myFetch function which accepts a FetchOptions typed object as its argument that doesn't have any errors when called with the options object:

const myFetch = async (options: FetchOptions) => {};


Your challenge is to determine why the @ts-expect-error directive isn't working, and restructure the code so that it does. Try to solve it multiple ways!

Exercise 2: Detecting Excess Properties in an Object

Exercise 3: Detecting Excess Properties in a Function

Here's another exercise where TypeScript does not trigger access property warnings where we might expect.

Here we have a User interface with id and name properties, and a users array containing two user objects, "Waqas" and "Zain".

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

const users = [
    name: "Waqas",
    name: "Zain",

A usersWithIds variable is typed as an array of Users. A map() function is used to spread the user into a newly created object, with an id and an age of 30:

const usersWithIds: User[] =, index) => ({
  id: index,
  // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. age: 30, }));

Despite TypeScript not expecting an age on User, it doesn't show an error, and at runtime the object will indeed contain an age property.

Your task is to determine why TypeScript isn't raising an error in this case, and find two different solutions to make it error appropriately when an unexpected property is added.

Exercise 3: Detecting Excess Properties in a Function

Exercise 4: Iterating over Objects

Consider an interface User with properties id and name, and a printUser function that accepts a User as its argument:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

function printUser(user: User) {}

Inside a test setup, we want to call the printUser function with an id of 1 and a name of "Waqas". The expectation is that the spy on console.log will first be called with 1 and then with "Waqas":

it("Should log all the keys of the user", () => {
  const consoleSpy = vitest.spyOn(console, "log");

    id: 1,
    name: "Waqas",


Your task is to implement the printUser function so that the test case passes as expected.

Obviously, you could manually log the properties inside of the printUser function, but the goal here is to iterate over every property of the object.

Try to solve this exercise with a for loop for one solution, and Object.keys().forEach() for another. For extra credit, try widening the type of the function parameter beyond User for a third solution.

Remember, Object.keys() is typed to always return an array of strings.

Exercise 4: Iterating over Objects

Exercise 5: Function Parameter Comparisons

Here we have a listenToEvent function that takes a callback that can handle a varying number of parameters based on how it's called. Currently the CallbackType is set to unknown:

type Event = "click" | "hover" | "scroll";

type CallbackType = unknown;

const listenToEvent = (callback: CallbackType) => {};

For example, we might want to call listenToEvent and pass a function that accepts no parameters - in this case, there's no need to worry about arguments at all:

listenToEvent(() => {});

Alternatively, we could pass a function that expects a single parameter, event:

listenToEvent((event) => {
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type. type tests = [Expect<Equal<typeof event, Event>>];
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.});

Stepping up in complexity, we could call it with an event, x, and y:

listenToEvent((event, x, y) => {
Parameter 'y' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'y' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'x' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'x' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type. // red squiggly line under event, x, and y type tests = [ Expect<Equal<typeof event, Event>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof x, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof y, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. ]; });

Finally, the function could take parameters event, x, y, and screenID:

listenToEvent((event, x, y, screenId) => {
Parameter 'screenId' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'screenId' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'y' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'y' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'x' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'x' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type. // red squiggly line under event, x, y, and screenId type tests = [ Expect<Equal<typeof event, Event>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof x, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof y, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof screenId, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. ]; });

In almost every case, TypeScript is giving us errors.

Your task is to update the CallbackType to ensure that it can handle all of these cases.

Exercise 5: Function Parameter Comparisons

Exercise 6: Unions of Functions with Object Params

Here we are working with two functions: logId and logName. The logId function logs an id from an object to the console, while logName does the same with a name:

These functions are grouped into an array called loggers:

const logId = (obj: { id: string }) => {

const logName = (obj: { name: string }) => {

const loggers = [logId, logName];

Inside a logAll function, a currently untyped object is passed as a parameter. Each logger function from the loggers array is then invoked with this object:

const logAll = (obj) => {
Parameter 'obj' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'obj' implicitly has an 'any' type. // red squiggly line under obj loggers.forEach((func) => func(obj)); };

Your task is to determine how to type the obj parameter to the logAll function. Look closely at the type signatures for the individual logger functions to understand what type this object should be.

Exercise 6: Unions of Functions with Object Params

Exercise 7: Union of Functions With Incompatible Parameters

Here we're working with an object called objOfFunctions, which contains functions keyed by string, number, or boolean. Each key has an associated function to process an input of that type:

const objOfFunctions = {
  string: (input: string) => input.toUpperCase(),
  number: (input: number) => input.toFixed(2),
  boolean: (input: boolean) => (input ? "true" : "false"),

A format function accepts an input that can either be a string, number, or boolean. From this input, it extracts the type via the regular typeof operator, but it asserts the operator to string, number, or boolean.

Here's how it looks:

const format = (input: string | number | boolean) => {
  // 'typeof' isn't smart enough to know that
  // it can only be 'string', 'number', or 'boolean',
  // so we need to use 'as'
  const inputType = typeof input as "string" | "number" | "boolean";
  const formatter = objOfFunctions[inputType];

  return formatter(input);
Argument of type 'string | number | boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'.2345
Argument of type 'string | number | boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'.};

The formatter which is extracted from objOfFunctions ends up typed as a union of functions. This happens because it can be any one of the functions that take either a string, number, or boolean:

// hovering over formatter shows:
const formatter:
  | ((input: string) => string)
  | ((input: number) => string)
  | ((input: boolean) => "true" | "false");

Currently there's an error on input in the return statement of the format function. Your challenge is to resolve this error on the type level, even though the code works at runtime. Try to use an assertion for one solution, and a type guard for another.

A useful tidbit - any is not assignable to never.

Exercise 7: Union of Functions With Incompatible Parameters

Solution 1: Accept Anything Except null and undefined

The solution is to add an empty object annotation to the input parameter:

const acceptAnythingExceptNullOrUndefined = (input: {}) => {};

Since the input parameter is typed as an empty object, it will accept any value except null or undefined.

Solution 2: Detecting Excess Properties in an Object

We aren't seeing an error in the starting point of the exercise because TypeScript's objects are open, not closed. The options object has all of the required properties of the FetchOptions interface, so TypeScript considers it to be assignable to FetchOptions and doesn't care that additional properties were added.

Let's look at a few ways to make the excess property error work as expected:

Option 1: Add a Type Annotation

Adding a type annotation to the options object will result in an error for the excess property:

const options: FetchOptions = {
  url: "/",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  // @ts-expect-error
  search: new URLSearchParams({
    limit: "10",

This triggers the excess property error because TypeScript is comparing an object literal to a type directly.

Option 2: Use the satisfies Keyword

Another way to trigger excess property checking is to add the satisfies keyword at the end of the variable declaration:

const options = {
  url: "/",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  // @ts-expect-error
  search: new URLSearchParams({
    limit: "10",
} satisfies FetchOptions;

This works for the same reason.

Option 3: Inline the Variable

Finally, TypeScript will also check for excess properties if the variable is inlined into the function call:

const myFetch = async (options: FetchOptions) => {};

  url: "/",
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  // @ts-expect-error
  search: new URLSearchParams({
    limit: "10",

In this case, TypeScript will provide an error because it knows that search is not part of the FetchOptions interface.

Open objects turn out to be more useful than they may initially seem. If excess property checking was performed all the time, as is the case with Flow, it could be a hassle since you'd have to remove the search manually before passing it to fetch.

Solution 3: Detecting Excess Properties in a Function

There are two solutions that we'll look at for this exercise.

Option 1: Give the Mapping Function A Return Type

The first way to solve this issue is to annotate the map function.

In this case, the mapping function will take in a user that is an object with a name string, and an index which will be a number.

Then for the return type, we'll specify that it must return a User object.

const usersWithIds: User[] =
  (user, index): User => ({
    id: index,
    // @ts-expect-error
    age: 30,

With this setup, there will be an error on age because it is not part of the User type.

Option 2: Use satisfies

For this solution, we'll use the satisfies keyword to ensure that the object returned from the map function satisfies the User type:

const usersWithIds: User[] =
  (user, index) =>
      id: index,
      // @ts-expect-error
      age: 30,
    } satisfies User),

TypeScript's excess property checks can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, especially when dealing with function returns. To avoid this issue, always declare the types for variables that may contain excess properties or indicate the expected return types in your functions.

Solution 4: Iterating over Objects

Let's look at both looping approaches for the printUser function.

Option 1: Using Object.keys().forEach()

The first approach is to use Object.keys().forEach() to iterate over the object keys. Inside the forEach callback, we'll access the value of the key by using the key variable:

function printUser(user: User) {
  Object.keys(user).forEach((key) => {
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'User'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'User'.7053
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'User'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'User'. }); }

This change will have the test case passing, but TypeScript raises a type error on user[key].

The issue is that the User interface doesn't have an index signature. In order to get around the type error without modifying the User interface, we can use a type assertion on key to tell TypeScript that it is of type keyof User:

console.log(user[key as keyof User]);

The keyof User will be a union of the property names, such as id or name. And by using as, we are telling TypeScript that key is a like a more precise string.

With this change, the error goes away - but our code is a little less safe. If our object has an unexpected key, we might get some odd behavior.

Option 2: Using a for Loop

The for loop approach is similar to the Object.keys().forEach() approach. We can use a for loop and pass in an object instead of a user:

function printUser(user: User) {
  for (const key in user) {
    console.log(user[key as keyof typeof user]);

Like before, we need to use keyof typeof because of how TypeScript handles excess property checking.

Option 3: Widening the Type

Another approach is to widen the type inside the printUser function. In this case, we'll specify that the user being passed in is a Record with a string key and an unknown value.

In this case, the object being passed in doesn't have to be a user since we're just going to be mapping over every key that it receives:

function printUser(obj: Record<string, unknown>) {
  Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {

This works on both the runtime and type levels without error.

Option 4: Object.values

Another way to iterate over the object is to use Object.values:

function printUser(user: User) {

This approach avoids the whole issue with the keys, because Object.values will return an array of the values of the object. When this option is available, it's a nice way to avoid needing to deal with issue of loosely typed keys.

When it comes to iterating over object keys, there are two main choices for handling this issue: you can either make the key access slightly unsafe via as keyof typeof, or you can make the type that's being indexed into looser. Both approaches will work, so it's up to you to decide which one is best for your use case.

Solution 5: Function Parameter Comparisons

The solution is to type CallbackType as a function that specifies each of the possible parameters:

type CallbackType = (
  event: Event,
  x: number,
  y: number,
  screenId: number,
) => void;

Recall that when implementing a function, it doesn't have to pay attention to every argument that has been passed in. However, it can't use a parameter that doesn't exist in its definition.

By typing CallbackType with each of the possible parameters, the test cases will pass regardless of how many parameters are passed in.

Solution 6: Unions of Functions with Object Params

Hovering over the loggers.forEach(), we can see that func is a union between two different types of functions:

const logAll = (obj) => {
  loggers.forEach((func) => func(obj));

// Hovering over forEach shows:

(parameter) func: ((obj: {
  id: string;
}) => void) | ((obj: {
  name: string;
}) => void)

One function takes in an id string, and the other takes in a name string.

This makes sense because when we call the array, we don't know which one we're getting at which time.

We can use an intersection type with objects for id and name:

const logAll = (obj: { id: string } & { name: string }) => {
  loggers.forEach((func) => func(obj));

Alternatively, we could just pass in a regular object with id string and name string properties. As we've seen, having an extra property won't cause runtime issues and TypeScript won't complain about it:

const logAll = (obj: { id: string; name: string }) => {
  loggers.forEach((func) => func(obj));

In both cases, the result is func being a function that contains all of the possibilities of things being passed into it:

// hovering over func shows:
(parameter) func: (obj: {
    id: string;
} & {
    name: string;
}) => void

This behavior makes sense, and this pattern is useful when working with functions that have varied requirements.

Solution 7: Union of Functions With Incompatible Parameters

Hovering over the formatter function shows us that its input is typed as never because it's a union of incompatible types:

// hovering over formatter shows:
const formatter: (input: never) => string;

In order to fix the type-level issue, we can use the as never assertion to tell TypeScript that input is of type never:

// inside the format function
return formatter(input as never);

This is a little unsafe, but we know from the runtime behavior that input will always be a string, number, or boolean.

Funnily enough, as any won't work here because any is not assignable to never:

const format = (input: string | number | boolean) => {
  const inputType = typeof input as "string" | "number" | "boolean";
  const formatter = objOfFunctions[inputType];

  return formatter(input as any);
Argument of type 'any' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.2345
Argument of type 'any' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.};

Another way to solve this issue is to give up on our union of functions by narrowing down the type of input before calling formatter:

const format = (input: string | number | boolean) => {
  if (typeof input === "string") {
    return objOfFunctions.string(input);
  } else if (typeof input === "number") {
    return objOfFunctions.number(input);
  } else {
    return objOfFunctions.boolean(input);

This solution is more verbose and won't compile down as nicely as as never, but it will fix the error as expected.

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