Throughout this book, we've been using relatively simple type annotations. We've had a look at variable annotations, which help TypeScript know what type a variable should be:
let name: string;
name = "Waqas";
We've also seen how to type function parameters and return types:
function greet(name: string): string {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
These annotations are instructions to TypeScript to tell it what type something should be. If we return a number
from our greet
function, TypeScript will show an error. We've told TypeScript that we're returning a string
, so it expects a string
But there are times when we don't want to follow this pattern. Sometimes, we want to let TypeScript figure it out on its own.
And sometimes, we want to lie to TypeScript.
In this chapter, we'll look at more ways to communicate with TypeScript's compiler via annotations and assertions.
Annotating Variables vs Values
There's a difference in TypeScript between annotating variables and values. The way they conflict can be confusing.
When You Annotate A Variable, The Variable Wins
Let's look again at the variable annotation we've seen throughout this book.
In this example, we're declaring a variable config
and annotating it as a Record
with a string key and a Color
type Color =
| string
| {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
const config: Record<string, Color> = {
foreground: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 },
background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 },
border: "transparent",
Here, we're annotating a variable. We're saying that config
is a Record
with a string key and a Color
value. This is useful, because if we specify a Color
that doesn't match the type, TypeScript will show an error:
const config : Record <string, Color > = {
border : { incorrect : 0, g : 0, b : 0 },Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'incorrect' does not exist in type '{ r: number; g: number; b: number; }'.2353Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'incorrect' does not exist in type '{ r: number; g: number; b: number; }'.};
But there's a problem with this approach. If we try to access any of the keys, TypeScript gets confused:
config .foreground .r ;Property 'r' does not exist on type 'Color'.
Property 'r' does not exist on type 'string'.2339Property 'r' does not exist on type 'Color'.
Property 'r' does not exist on type 'string'.
Firstly, it doesn't know that foreground is defined on the object. Secondly, it doesn't know whether foreground is the string
version of the Color
type or the object version.
This is because we've told TypeScript that config
is a Record
with a any number of string keys. We annotated the variable, but the actual value got discarded. This is an important point - when you annotate a variable, TypeScript will:
- Ensure that the value passed to the variable matches the annotation.
- Forget about the value's type.
This has some benefits - we can add new keys to config
and TypeScript won't complain:
config.primary = "red";
But this isn't really what we want - this is a config object that shouldn't be changed.
With No Annotation, The Value Wins
One way to get around this would be to drop the variable annotation.
const config = {
foreground: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 },
background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 },
border: "transparent",
Because there's no variable annotation, config
is inferred as the type of the value provided.
But now we've lost the ability to check that the Color
type is correct. We can add a number
to the foreground
key and TypeScript won't complain:
const config = {
foreground: 123,
So it seems we're at an impasse. We both want to infer the type of the value, but also constrain it to be a certain shape.
Annotating Values With satisfies
The satisfies
operator is a way to tell TypeScript that a value must satisfy certain criteria, but still allow TypeScript to infer the type.
Let's use it to make sure our config
object has the right shape:
const config = {
foreground: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 },
background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 },
border: "transparent",
} satisfies Record<string, Color>;
Now, we get the best of both worlds. This means we can access the keys without any issues:
But we've also told TypeScript that config
must be a Record
with a string key and a Color
value. If we try to add a key that doesn't match this shape, TypeScript will show an error:
const config = {
primary : 123,Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'Color'.2322Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'Color'.} satisfies Record <string, Color >;
Of course, we have now lost the ability to add new keys to config
without TypeScript complaining:
config .somethingNew = "red";Property 'somethingNew' does not exist on type '{}'.2339Property 'somethingNew' does not exist on type '{}'.
Because TypeScript is now inferring config
as just an object with a fixed set of keys.
Let's recap:
- When you use a variable annotation, the variable's type wins.
- When you don't use a variable annotation, the value's type wins.
- When you use
, you can tell TypeScript that a value must satisfy certain criteria, but still allow TypeScript to infer the type.
Narrowing Values With satisfies
A common misconception about satisfies
is that it doesn't affect the type of the value. This is not quite true - in certain situations, satisfies
does help narrow down a value to a certain type.
Let's take this example:
const album = {
format: "Vinyl",
Here, we have an album
object with a format
key. As we know from our chapter on mutability, TypeScript will infer album.format
as string
. We want to make sure that the format
is one of three values: CD
, Vinyl
, or Digital
We could give it a variable annotation:
type Album = {
format: "CD" | "Vinyl" | "Digital";
const album: Album = {
format: "Vinyl",
But now, album.format
is "CD" | "Vinyl" | "Digital"
. This might be a problem if we want to pass it to a function that only accepts "Vinyl"
Instead, we can use satisfies
const album = {
format: "Vinyl",
} satisfies Album;
Now, album.format
is inferred as "Vinyl"
, because we've told TypeScript that album
satisfies the Album
type. So, satisfies
is narrowing down the value of album.format
to a specific type.
Assertions: Forcing The Type Of Values
Sometimes, the way TypeScript infers types isn't quite what we want. We can use assertions in TypeScript to force values to be inferred as a certain type.
The as
The as
assertion is a way to tell TypeScript that you know more about a value than it does. It's a way to override TypeScript's type inference and tell it to treat a value as a different type.
Let's look at an example.
Imagine that you're building a web page that has some information in the search query string of the URL.
You happen to know that the user can't navigate to this page without passing ?id=some-id
to the URL.
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams (window .location .search );
const id = searchParams .get ("id");
But TypeScript doesn't know that the id
will always be a string. It thinks that id
could be a string or null
So, let's force it. We can use as
on the result of searchParams.get("id")
to tell TypeScript that we know it will always be a string:
const id = searchParams .get ("id") as string;
Now TypeScript knows that id
will always be a string, and we can use it as such.
This as
is a little unsafe! If id
is somehow not actually passed in the URL, it will be null
at runtime but string
at compile time. This means if we called .toUpperCase()
on id
, we'd crash our app.
But it's useful in cases where we truly know more than TypeScript can about the behavior of our code.
An Alternative Syntax
As an alternative to as
, you can prefix the value with the type wrapped in angle brackets:
const id = <string>searchParams.get("id");
This is less common than as
, but behaves exactly the same way. as
is more common, so it's better to use that.
The Limits of as
has some limits on how it can be used. It can't be used to convert between unrelated types.
Consider this example where as
is used to assert that a string should be treated as a number:
const albumSales = "Heroes" as number ;Conversion of type 'string' to type 'number' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.2352Conversion of type 'string' to type 'number' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
TypeScript realizes that even though we're using as
, we might have made a mistake. The error message is telling us that a string and a number don't share any common properties, but if we really want to go through with it, we could double up on the as
assertions to first assert the string as unknown
and then as a number
const albumSales = "Heroes" as unknown as number; // no error
When using as
to assert as unknown as number
, the red squiggly line goes away but that doesn't mean the operation is safe. There's just no way to convert "Heroes"
into a number that would make sense.
The same behavior applies to other types as well.
In this example, an Album
interface and a SalesData
interface don't share any common properties:
interface Album {
title : string;
artist : string;
releaseYear : number;
interface SalesData {
sales : number;
certification : string;
const paulsBoutique : Album = {
title : "Paul's Boutique",
artist : "Beastie Boys",
releaseYear : 1989,
const paulsBoutiqueSales = paulsBoutique as SalesData ;Conversion of type 'Album' to type 'SalesData' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
Type 'Album' is missing the following properties from type 'SalesData': sales, certification2352Conversion of type 'Album' to type 'SalesData' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
Type 'Album' is missing the following properties from type 'SalesData': sales, certification
Again, TypeScript shows us the warning about the lack of common properties.
So, as
does have some built-in safeguards. But by using as unknown as X
, you can easily bypass them. And because as
does nothing at runtime, it's a convenient way to lie to TypeScript about the type of a value.
The Non-null Assertion
Another assertion we can use is the non-null assertion, which is specified by using the !
operator. This provides a quick way to tell TypeScript that a value is not null
or undefined
Heading back to our searchParams
example from earlier, we can use the non-null assertion to tell TypeScript that id
will never be null
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const id = searchParams.get("id")!;
This forces TypeScript to treat id
as a string, even though it could be null
at runtime. It's the equivalent of using as string
, but is a little more convenient.
You can also use it when accessing a property which may or may not be defined:
type User = {
name: string;
profile?: {
bio: string;
const logUserBio = (user: User) => {
Or, when calling a function that might not be defined:
type Logger = {
log?: (message: string) => void;
const main = (logger: Logger) => {
logger.log!("Hello, world!");
Each of these fails at runtime if the value is not defined. But it's a convenient lie to TypeScript that we're sure it will be.
The non-null assertion, like other assertions, is a dangerous tool. It's particularly nasty because it's one character long, so easier to miss than as
For fun, I like to use at least three or four in a row to make sure developers know that what they're doing is dangerous:
// Yes, this syntax is legal
const id = searchParams.get("id")!!!!;
Error Suppression Directives
Assertions are not the only ways we can lie to TypeScript. There are several comment directives that can be used to suppress errors.
Throughout the book's exercises we've seen several examples of @ts-expect-error
. This directive gives us a way to tell TypeScript that we expect an error to occur on the next line of code.
In this example, we're creating an error by passing a string into a function that expects a number.
function addOne(num: number) {
return num + 1;
// @ts-expect-error
const result = addOne("one");
But the error doesn't show up in the editor, because we told TypeScript to expect it.
However, if we pass a number into the function, the error will show up:
// @ts-expect-error Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.const result = addOne (1);
So, TypeScript expects every @ts-expect-error
directive to be used - to be followed by an error.
Frustratingly, @ts-expect-error
doesn't let you expect a specific error, but only that an error will occur.
The @ts-ignore
directive behaves a bit differently than @ts-expect-error
. Instead of expecting an error, it ignores any errors that do occur.
Going back to our addOne
example, we can use @ts-ignore
to ignore the error that occurs when passing a string into the function:
// @ts-ignore
const result = addOne("one");
But if we later fix the error, @ts-ignore
won't tell us that it's unused:
// @ts-ignore
const result = addOne(1); // No errors here!
In general, @ts-expect-error
is more useful than @ts-ignore
, because it tells you when you've fixed the error. This means you can get a warning to remove the directive.
Finally, The @ts-nocheck
directive will completely remove type checking for a file.
To use it, add the directive at the top of your file:
// @ts-nocheck
With all checking disabled, TypeScript won't show you any errors, but it also won't be able to protect you from any runtime issues that might show up when you run your code.
Generally speaking, you shouldn't use @ts-nocheck
. I've personally lost hours of my life to working in large files where I didn't notice that @ts-nocheck
was at the top.
Suppressing Errors Vs as any
There's one tool in a TypeScript developers' toolkit that also suppresses errors, but isn't a comment directive - as any
as any
is an extremely powerful tool because it combines a lie to TypeScript (as
) with a type that disables all type checking (any
This means that you can use it to suppress nearly any error. Our example above? No problem:
const result = addOne({} as any);
as any
turns the empty object into any
, which disables all type checking. This means that addOne
will happily accept it.
as any
vs Error Suppression Directives
When there's a choice with how to suppress an error, I prefer using as any
. Error suppression directives are too broad - they target the entire line of code. This can lead to accidentally suppressing errors that you didn't mean to:
// @ts-ignore
const result = addone("one");
Here, we're calling addone
instead of addOne
. The error suppression directive will suppress the error, but it will also suppress any other errors that might occur on that line.
Using as any
instead is more precise:
const result = addone ("one" as any);Cannot find name 'addone'. Did you mean 'addOne'?2552Cannot find name 'addone'. Did you mean 'addOne'?
Now, you'll only suppress the error that you intended to.
When To Suppress Errors
Each of the error suppression tools we've looked at is a way of basically telling TypeScript to "keep quiet". TypeScript doesn't attempt to limit how often you try to silence it. It's perfectly possible that every time you encounter an error, you could suppress it with @ts-ignore
or as any
Taking this approach limits how useful TypeScript can be. Your code will compile, but you will likely get many more runtime errors.
But there are times when suppressing errors is a good idea. Let's explore a few different scenarios.
When You Know More Than TypeScript
The important thing to remember about TypeScript is that really, you're writing JavaScript.
This disconnect between compile time and runtime means that types can sometimes be wrong. This can mean you know more about the runtime code than TypeScript does.
This can happen when third-party libraries don't have good type definitions, or when you're working with a complex pattern that TypeScript struggles to understand.
Error suppression directives exist for this reason. They let you patch over the differences that sometimes crop up between TypeScript and the JavaScript it produces.
But this feeling of superiority over TypeScript can be dangerous. So, let's compare it to a very similar feeling:
When TypeScript Is Being "Dumb"
Some patterns lend themselves better to being typed than others. More dynamic patterns can be harder for TypeScript to understand, and will lead you to suppressing more errors.
A simple example is constructing an object. In JavaScript, there's no real difference between these two patterns:
// Static
const obj = {
a : 1,
b : 2,
// Dynamic
const obj2 = {};
obj2 .a = 1;Property 'a' does not exist on type '{}'.2339Property 'a' does not exist on type '{}'.obj2 .b = 2;Property 'b' does not exist on type '{}'.2339Property 'b' does not exist on type '{}'.
In the first, we construct an object by passing in the keys and values. In the second, we construct an empty object and add the keys and values later. The first pattern is static, the second is dynamic.
But in TypeScript, the first pattern is much easier to work with. TypeScript can infer the type of obj
as { a: number, b: number }
. But it can't infer the type of obj2
- it's just an empty object. In fact, you'll get errors when you try to do this.
But if you're used to constructing your objects in a dynamic way, this can be frustrating. You know that obj2
will have an a
and a b
key, but TypeScript doesn't.
In these cases, it's tempting to bend the rules a little by using an as
to tell TypeScript that you know what you're doing:
const obj2 = {} as { a: number; b: number };
obj2.a = 1;
obj2.b = 2;
This is subtly different from the first scenario, where you know more than TypeScript does. In this case, there's a simple runtime refactor you can make to make TypeScript happy and avoid suppressing errors.
The more experienced you are with TypeScript, the more often you'll be able to spot these patterns. You'll be able to spot the times when TypeScript lacks crucial information, requiring an as
, or when the patterns you're using aren't letting TypeScript do its job properly.
So if you're tempted to suppress an error, see if there's a way you can refactor your code to a pattern that TypeScript understands better. After all, it's easier to swim with the current than against it.
When You Don't Understand The Error
Let's say you've been coding for a few hours. An unread Slack message notification is blinking at you. The feature is all but finished, except for some types you need to add. You've got a call in 20 minutes. And then TypeScript shows an error that you don't understand.
TypeScript errors can be extremely hard to read. They can be long, multi-layered, and filled with references to types you've never heard of.
It's at this moment that TypeScript can feel its most frustrating. It's enough to turn many developers off TypeScript for good.
So, you suppress the error. You add a @ts-ignore
or an as any
and move on.
Weeks later, a bug gets reported. You end up back in the same area of the codebase. And you track the error down to the exact line you suppressed.
The time you save by suppressing errors will, eventually, come back to bite you. You're not saving time, but borrowing it.
It's this situation, when you don't understand the error, that I'd recommend sticking it out. TypeScript is attempting to communicate with you. Try refactoring your runtime code. Use all the tools mentioned in the IDE Superpowers chapter to investigate the types the errors mention.
Think of the time you invest in fixing TypeScript errors as an investment in yourself. You're both fixing potential bugs in the future, and levelling up your own understanding.
Exercise 1: Provide Additional Info to TypeScript
This handleFormData
function accepts an argument e
typed as SubmitEvent
, which is a global type from the DOM typings that is emitted when a form is submitted.
Within the function we use the method e.preventDefault()
, available on SubmitEvent
, to stop the form from its default submission action. Then we attempt to create a new FormData
object, data
, with
// @lib: dom,es2023,dom.iterable
// @errors: 2345
const handleFormData = (e: SubmitEvent) => {
const data = new FormData(;
const value = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());
return value;
At runtime, this code works flawlessly. However, at the type level, TypeScript shows an error under
. Your task is to provide TypeScript with additional information in order to resolve the error.
Exercise 2: Provide Additional Info to TypeScript
Exercise 2: Solving Issues with Assertions
Here we'll revisit a previous exercise, but solve it in a different way.
The findUsersByName
function takes in some searchParams
as its first argument, where name
is an optional string property. The second argument is users
, which is an array of objects with id
and name
const findUsersByName = (
searchParams : { name ?: string },
users : {
id : string;
name : string;
) => {
if (searchParams .name ) {
return users .filter ((user ) => user .name .includes (searchParams . name ));Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.2345Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. }
return users ;
is defined, we want to filter the users
array using this name
. Your challenge is to adjust the code so that the error disappears.
Previously we solved this challenge by extracting
into a const variable and performing the check against that.
However, this time you need to solve it two different ways: Once with as
and once with non-null assertion.
Note that this is slightly less safe than the previous solution, but it's still a good technique to learn.
Exercise 4: Solving Issues with Assertions
Exercise 3: Enforcing Valid Configuration
We're back to the configurations
object that includes development
, production
, and staging
. Each of these members contains specific settings relevant to its environment:
const configurations = {
development : {
apiBaseUrl : "http://localhost:8080",
timeout : 5000,
production : {
apiBaseUrl : "",
timeout : 10000,
staging : {
apiBaseUrl : "",
timeout : 8000,
// @ts-expect-error Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. notAllowed : true,
We also have an Environment
type along with a passing test case that checks if Environment
is equal to "development" | "production" | "staging"
type Environment = keyof typeof configurations;
type test = Expect<
Equal<Environment, "development" | "production" | "staging">
Even though the test case passes, we have an error in the staging
object inside of configurations
. We're expecting an error on notAllowed: true
, but the @ts-expect-error
directive is not working because TypeScript is not recognizing that notAllowed
is not allowed.
Your task is to determine an appropriate way to annotate our configurations
object to retain accurate Environment
inference from it while simultaneously throwing an error for members that are not allowed. Hint: Consider using a helper type that allows you to specify a data shape.
Exercise 6: Enforcing Valid Configuration
Exercise 4: Variable Annotation vs. as
vs. satisfies
In this exercise, we are going to examine three different types of setups in TypeScript: variable annotations, as
, and satisfies
The first scenario consists of declaring a const obj
as an empty object and then applying the keys a
and b
to it. Using as Record<string, number>
, we're expecting the type of obj
or a
to be a number:
const obj = {} as Record<string, number>;
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
type test = Expect<Equal<typeof obj.a, number>>;
Second, we have a menuConfig
object that is assigned a Record type with string
as the keys. The menuConfig
is expected to have either an object containing label
and link
properties or an object with a label
and children
properties which include arrays of objects that have label
and link
const menuConfig : Record <
| {
label : string;
link : string;
| {
label : string;
children : {
label : string;
link : string;
> = {
home : {
label : "Home",
link : "/home",
services : {
label : "Services",
children : [
label : "Consulting",
link : "/services/consulting",
label : "Development",
link : "/services/development",
type tests = [
Expect <Equal <typeof menuConfig .home .label , string>>,
Expect <
Equal <
typeof menuConfig .services .children ,Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ label: string; link: string; } | { label: string; children: { label: string; link: string; }[]; }'.
Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ label: string; link: string; }'.2339Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ label: string; link: string; } | { label: string; children: { label: string; link: string; }[]; }'.
Property 'children' does not exist on type '{ label: string; link: string; }'. {
label : string;
link : string;
In the third scenario, we're trying to use satisfies
with document.getElementById('app')
and HTMLElement
, but it's resulting in errors:
// Third Scenario
const element = document .getElementById ("app") satisfies HTMLElement ;Type 'HTMLElement | null' does not satisfy the expected type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.1360Type 'HTMLElement | null' does not satisfy the expected type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.
type test3 = Expect <Equal < typeof element , HTMLElement > >;Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.
Your job is to rearrange the annotations to correct these issues.
At the end of this exercise, you should have used as
, variable annotations, and satisfies
once each.
Exercise 7: Variable Annotation vs. as
vs. satisfies
Exercise 5: Create a Deeply Read-Only Object
Here we have a routes
const routes = {
"/": {
component : "Home",
"/about": {
component : "About",
// @ts-expect-error Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. search : "?foo=bar",
// @ts-expect-error Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.routes ["/"].component = "About";
When adding a search
field under the /about
key, it should raise an error, but it currently doesn't. We also expect that once the routes
object is created, it should not be able to be modified. For example, assigning About
to the Home component
should cause an error, but the @ts-expect-error
directive tells us there is no problem.
Inside of the tests we expect that accessing properties of the routes
object should return Home
and About
instead of interpreting these as literals, but those are both currently failing:
type tests = [
Expect <Equal <( typeof routes )[ "/" ][ "component" ], "Home" > >,Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect <Equal <( typeof routes )[ "/about" ][ "component" ], "About" > >,Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.];
Your task is to update the routes
object typing so that all errors are resolved. This will require you to use satisfies
as well as another annotation that ensures the object is deeply read-only.
Exercise 8: Create a Deeply Read-Only Object
Solution 1: Provide Additional Info to TypeScript
The error we encountered in this challenge was that the EventTarget | null
type was incompatible with the required parameter of type HTMLFormElement
. The problem stems from the fact that these types don't match, and null
is not permitted:
// @lib: dom,es2023,dom.iterable
// @errors: 2345
const handleFormData = (e: SubmitEvent) => {
const data = new FormData(;
const value = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());
return value;
First and foremost, it's necessary to ensure
is not null.
Using as
We can use the as
keyword to recast
to a specific type.
However, if we recast it as EventTarget
, an error will continue to occur:
// @lib: dom,es2023,dom.iterable
// @errors: 2345
const handleFormData = (e: SubmitEvent) => {
const data = new FormData( as EventTarget);
const value = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());
return value;
Since we know that the code works at runtime and has tests covering it, we can force
to be of type HTMLFormElement
const data = new FormData( as HTMLFormElement);
Optionally, we can create a new variable, target
, and assign the casted value to it:
const target = as HTMLFormElement;
const data = new FormData(target);
Either way, this change resolves the error and target
is now inferred as an HTMLFormElement
and the code functions as expected.
Using as any
A quicker solution would be to use as any
for the
variable, to tell TypeScript that we don't care about the type of the variable:
const data = new FormData( as any);
While using as any
can get us past the error message more quickly, it does have its drawbacks.
For example, we wouldn't be able to leverage autocompletion or have type checking for other
properties that would come from the HTMLFormElement
When faced with a situation like this, it's better to use the most specific as
assertion you can. This communicates that you have a clear understanding of what
is not only to TypeScript, but to other developers who might read your code.
Solution 2: Solving Issues with Assertions
Inside the findUsersByName
function, TypeScript is complaining about
because of a strange reason.
Imagine if
was a getter that returned string
or undefined
at random:
const searchParams = {
get name() {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? "John" : undefined;
Now, TypeScript can't be sure that
will always be a string
. This is why it's complaining inside the filter
This is why we were previously able to solve this problem by extracting
into a constant variable and performing the check against that - this guarantees that the name will be a string.
However, this time we will solve it differently.
is typed as string | undefined
. We want to tell TypeScript that we know more than it does, and that we know that
will never be undefined
inside the filter
const findUsersByName = (
searchParams : { name ?: string },
users : {
id : string;
name : string;
) => {
if (searchParams .name ) {
return users .filter ((user ) => user .name .includes (searchParams . name ));Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.2345Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'. }
return users ;
Adding as string
One way to solve this is to add as string
const findUsersByName = (
searchParams : { name ?: string },
users : {
id : string;
name : string;
) => {
if (searchParams .name ) {
return users .filter ((user ) =>
user .name .includes (searchParams .name as string),
return users ;
This removes undefined
and it's now just a string
Adding a Non-null Assertion
Another way to solve this is to add a non-null assertion to
. This is done by adding a !
postfix operator to the property we are trying to access:
const findUsersByName = (
searchParams : { name ?: string },
users : {
id : string;
name : string;
) => {
if (searchParams .name ) {
return users .filter ((user ) => user .name .includes (searchParams .name !));
return users ;
The !
operater tells TypeScript to remove any null
or undefined
types from the variable. This would leave us with just string
Both of these solutions will remove the error and allow the code to work as expected. But neither protect us against the insidious get
function that returns string | undefined
at random.
Since this is a pretty rare case, we might even say TypeScript is being a bit over-protective here. So, an assertion feels like the right choice.
Solution 3: Enforcing Valid Configuration
The first step is to determine the structure of our configurations
In this case, it makes sense for it to be a Record
where the keys will be string
and the values will be an object with apiBaseUrl
and timeout
const configurations: Record<
apiBaseUrl: string;
timeout: number
> = {
This change makes the @ts-expect-error
directive work as expected, but we now have an error related to the Environment
type not being inferred correctly:
type Environment = keyof typeof configurations ;
type test = Expect <
Equal < Environment , "development" | "production" | "staging" > Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.>;
We need to make sure that configurations
is still being inferred as its type, while also type checking the thing being passed to it.
This is the perfect application for the satisfies
Instead of annotating the configurations
object as a Record
, we'll instead use the satisfies
keyword for the type constraint:
const configurations = {
development: {
apiBaseUrl: "http://localhost:8080",
timeout: 5000,
production: {
apiBaseUrl: "",
timeout: 10000,
staging: {
apiBaseUrl: "",
timeout: 8000,
// @ts-expect-error
notAllowed: true,
} satisfies Record<
apiBaseUrl: string;
timeout: number;
This allows us to specify that the values we pass to our configuration object must adhere to the criteria defined in the type, while still allowing the type system to infer the correct types for our development, production, and staging environments.
Solution 4: Variable Annotation vs. as
vs. satisfies
Let's work through the solutions for satisfies
, as
, and variable annotations.
When to Use satifies
For the first scenario that uses a Record
, the satisfies
keyword won't work because we can't add dynamic members to an empty object.
const obj = {} satisfies Record <string, number>;
obj .a = 1;Property 'a' does not exist on type '{}'.2339Property 'a' does not exist on type '{}'.
In the second scenario with the menuConfig
object, we started with errors about menuConfig.home
not existing on both members.
This is a clue that we need to use satisfies
to make sure a value is checked without changing the inference:
const menuConfig = {
home: {
label: "Home",
link: "/home",
services: {
label: "Services",
children: [
label: "Consulting",
link: "/services/consulting",
label: "Development",
link: "/services/development",
} satisfies Record<
| {
label: string;
link: string;
| {
label: string;
children: {
label: string;
link: string;
With this use of satisfies
, the tests pass as expected.
Just to check the third scenario, satisfies
doesn't work with document.getElementById("app")
because it's inferred as HTMLElement | null
const element = document .getElementById ("app") satisfies HTMLElement ;Type 'HTMLElement | null' does not satisfy the expected type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.1360Type 'HTMLElement | null' does not satisfy the expected type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.
When to Use as
If we try to use variable annotation in the third example, we get the same error as with satisfies
const element : HTMLElement = document .getElementById ("app");Type 'HTMLElement | null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.2322Type 'HTMLElement | null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'HTMLElement'.
By process of elimination, as
is the correct choice for this scenario:
const element = document.getElementById("app") as HTMLElement;
With this change, element
is inferred as HTMLElement
Using Variable Annotations
This takes us to the first scenario, where using variable annotations is the correct choice:
const obj: Record<string, number> = {};
Note that we could use as
here, but it's less safe and may lead to complications as we're forcing a value to be of a certain type. A variable annotation simply denotes a variable as that certain type and checks anything that's passed to it, which is the more correct, safer approach.
Generally when you do have a choice between as
or a variable annotation, opt for the variable annotation.
The Big Takeaway
The key takeaway in this exercise is to grasp the mental model for when to use as
, satisfies
, and variable annotations:
Use as
when you want to tell TypeScript that you know more than it does.
Use satisfies
when you want to make sure a value is checked without changing the inference on that value.
The rest of the time, use variable annotations.
Solution 5: Create a Deeply Read-Only Object
We started with an @ts-expect-error
directive inside of routes
that was not working as expected.
Because we wanted a configuration object to be in a certain shape while still being able to access certain pieces of it, this was a perfect use case for satisfies
At the end of the routes
object, add a satisfies
that will be a Record
of string
and an object with a component
property that is a string
const routes = {
"/": {
component: "Home",
"/about": {
component: "About",
// @ts-expect-error
search: "?foo=bar",
} satisfies Record<
component: string;
This change solves the issue of the @ts-expect-error
directive inside of the routes
object, but we still have an error related to the routes
object not being read-only.
To address this, we need to apply as const
to the routes
object. This will make routes
read-only and add the necessary immutability.
If we try adding as const
after the satisfies
, we'll get the following error:
const routes = {
// ...contents
} satisfies Record <A 'const' assertions can only be applied to references to enum members, or string, number, boolean, array, or object literals.1355A 'const' assertions can only be applied to references to enum members, or string, number, boolean, array, or object literals. string,
component : string;
> as const ;
In other words, as const
can only be applied to a value and not a type.
The correct way to use as const
is to put it before the satisfies
const routes = {
// routes as before
} as const satisfies Record<
component: string;
Now our tests pass expected.
This setup of combining as const
and satisfies
is ideal when you need a particular shape for a configuration object and want while enforcing immutability.
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