Kickstart Your TypeScript Set Up 6 exercises

Set up Node.js and VS Code

Node.js and VS Code are both essential, so let's get them installed.

Installing Node.js

First, you'll need to install Node.js. Visit the Node.js website to download the installer.

You'll see two options: LTS and Current.

LTS is short for "Long Term Support". This is the recommended version f

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00:00 The first thing that you'll need to install is Node.js. And on here, on the Node.js site, which I will link below, you've got two buttons. You can either download the LTS, doesn't matter about the version number if you're seeing this in the future, the version number may have changed, but as long as you're on the LTS should be fine. So we've got the LTS on the left-hand side

00:17 and the current version on the right-hand side. You might think, ooh, yeah, give me the latest features, but no, you actually want the LTS. This is long-term support. This is the version of Node that they've decided is super stable and they're gonna recommend you use in production. The current one tends to have the latest sort of experimental features,

00:36 whereas the LTS is the one that this course supports and the one I recommend you use in production too. So you click this button, that will initiate a download, then you can go through the installation instructions. To check that you've got it right, you can go into any terminal, such as the one inside VS Code, and you can say node-v.

00:53 Nice, node-v, that will spit out a version if you've got it installed. If you haven't managed to get it installed, if you, for instance, accidentally misspell it or something, then it will do something like node command not found here. So once you have Node, you're ready to go. Next up, we need to add VS Code as well.

01:12 You can go onto the VS Code website, you can download Visual Studio Code, walk through the installation instructions, and that will just give you an application that you can open in order to run VS Code. From there, you can download the repo using Git, which I will assume that you know how to do. And once you've done that, you can then open this up and you'll have access to all of the exercises.