Chapter 9

TypeScript-only Features

Discover TypeScript-only features: Class parameter properties, enums, and namespaces. Understand benefits, JavaScript transpilation, and integration tips.


Based on what I've told you so far, you might be thinking of TypeScript as just "JavaScript with types". JavaScript handles the runtime code, and TypeScript describes it with types.

But TypeScript actually has a few runtime features that don't exist in JavaScript. These features are compiled into JavaScript, but they are not part of the JavaScript language itself.

In this chapter we'll look at several of these TypeScript-only features, including parameter properties, enums and namespaces. Along the way, we'll discuss benefits and trade-offs, as well as when you might want to stick with JavaScript.

Class Parameter Properties

One TypeScript feature that doesn't exist in JavaScript is class parameter properties. These allow you to declare and initialize class members directly from the constructor parameters.

Consider this Rating class:

class Rating {
  constructor(public value: number, private max: number) {}

That the constructor includes public before the value parameter and private before the max parameter. In JavaScript, this compiles down to code which assigns the parameters to properties on the class:

class Rating {
  constructor(value, max) {
    this.value = value;
    this.max = max;

Compared to handling the assignment manually, this saves a lot of code and keeps the class definition concise.

But unlike other TypeScript features, the outputted JavaScript is not a direct representation of the TypeScript code. This can make it difficult to understand what's happening if you're not familiar with the feature.


You can use the enum keyword to define a set of named constants. These can be used as types or values.

Enums were added in the very first version of TypeScript, but they haven't yet been added to JavaScript. This means it's a TypeScript-only runtime feature. And, as we'll see, it comes with some quirky behavior.

A good use case for enums is when there are a limited set of related values that aren't expected to change.

Numeric Enums

Numeric enums group together a set of related members and automatically assigns them numeric values starting from 0. For example, consider this AlbumStatus enum:

enum AlbumStatus {

In this case, AlbumStatus.NewRelease would be 0, AlbumStatus.OnSale would be 1, and so on.

To use the AlbumStatus as a type, we could use its name:

function logStatus(genre: AlbumStatus) {
  console.log(genre); // 0

Now, logStatus can only receive values from the AlbumStatus enum object.


Numeric Enums with Explicit Values

You can also assign specific values to each member of the enum. For example, if you wanted to assign the value 1 to NewRelease, 2 to OnSale, and 3 to StaffPick, you could do so like this:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = 1,
  OnSale = 2,
  StaffPick = 3,

Now, AlbumStatus.NewRelease would be 1, AlbumStatus.OnSale would be 2, and so on.

Auto-incrementing Numeric Enums

If you choose to only assign some numeric values to the enum, TypeScript will automatically increment the rest of the values from the last assigned value. For example, if you only assign a value to NewRelease, OnSale and StaffPick will be 2 and 3 respectively.

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = 1,

String Enums

String enums allow you to assign string values to each member of the enum. For example:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = "NEW_RELEASE",
  OnSale = "ON_SALE",
  StaffPick = "STAFF_PICK",

The same logStatus function from above would now log the string value instead of the number.

function logStatus(genre: AlbumStatus) {
  console.log(genre); // "NEW_RELEASE"


Enums Are Strange

There is no equivalent syntax in JavaScript to the enum keyword. So, TypeScript gets to make up the rules for how enums work. This means they have some slightly odd behavior.

How Numeric Enums Transpile

The way enums are converted into JavaScript code can feel slightly unexpected.

For example, the enum AlbumStatus:

enum AlbumStatus {

Would be transpiled into the following JavaScript:

var AlbumStatus;
(function (AlbumStatus) {
  AlbumStatus[(AlbumStatus["NewRelease"] = 0)] = "NewRelease";
  AlbumStatus[(AlbumStatus["OnSale"] = 1)] = "OnSale";
  AlbumStatus[(AlbumStatus["StaffPick"] = 2)] = "StaffPick";
})(AlbumStatus || (AlbumStatus = {}));

This rather opaque piece of JavaScript does several things in one go. It creates an object with properties for each enum value, and it also creates a reverse mapping of the values to the keys.

The result would then be similar to the following:

var AlbumStatus = {
  0: "NewRelease",
  1: "OnSale",
  2: "StaffPick",
  NewRelease: 0,
  OnSale: 1,
  StaffPick: 2,

This reverse mapping means that there are more keys available on an enum than you might expect. So, performing an Object.keys call on an enum will return both the keys and the values.

console.log(Object.keys(AlbumStatus)); // ["0", "1", "2", "NewRelease", "OnSale", "StaffPick"]

This can be a real gotcha if you're not expecting it.

How String Enums Transpile

String enums don't have the same behavior as numeric enums. When you specify string values, the transpiled JavaScript is much simpler:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = "NEW_RELEASE",
  OnSale = "ON_SALE",
  StaffPick = "STAFF_PICK",
var AlbumStatus;
(function (AlbumStatus) {
  AlbumStatus["NewRelease"] = "NEW_RELEASE";
  AlbumStatus["OnSale"] = "ON_SALE";
  AlbumStatus["StaffPick"] = "STAFF_PICK";
})(AlbumStatus || (AlbumStatus = {}));

Now, there is no reverse mapping, and the object only contains the enum values. An Object.keys call will only return the keys, as you might expect.

console.log(Object.keys(AlbumStatus)); // ["NewRelease", "OnSale", "StaffPick"]

This difference between numeric and string enums feels inconsistent, and it can be a source of confusion.

Numeric Enums Behave Like Union Types

Another odd feature of enums is that string enums and numeric enums behave differently when used as types.

Let's redefine our logStatus function with a numeric enum:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = 0,
  OnSale = 1,
  StaffPick = 2,

function logStatus(genre: AlbumStatus) {

Now, we can call logStatus with a member of the enum:


But we can also call it with a plain number:


If we call it with a number that isn't a member of the enum, TypeScript will report an error:

Argument of type '3' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.2345
Argument of type '3' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.

This is different from string enums, which only allow the enum members to be used as types:

enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = "NEW_RELEASE",
  OnSale = "ON_SALE",
  StaffPick = "STAFF_PICK",

function logStatus(genre: AlbumStatus) {

Argument of type '"NEW_RELEASE"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.2345
Argument of type '"NEW_RELEASE"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.

The way string enums behave feels more natural - it matches how enums work in other languages like C# and Java.

But the fact that they're not consistent with numeric enums can be a source of confusion.

In fact, string enums are unique in TypeScript because they're compared nominally. All other types in TypeScript are compared structurally, meaning that two types are considered the same if they have the same structure. But string enums are compared based on their name (nominally), not their structure.

This means that two string enums with the same members are considered different types if they have different names:

enum AlbumStatus2 {
  NewRelease = "NEW_RELEASE",
  OnSale = "ON_SALE",
  StaffPick = "STAFF_PICK",

Argument of type 'AlbumStatus2.NewRelease' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.2345
Argument of type 'AlbumStatus2.NewRelease' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AlbumStatus'.

For those of us used to structural typing, this can be a bit of a surprise. But to developers used to enums in other languages, string enums will feel the most natural.

const Enums

A const enum is declared similarly to the other enums, but with the const keyword first:

const enum AlbumStatus {
  NewRelease = "NEW_RELEASE",
  OnSale = "ON_SALE",
  StaffPick = "STAFF_PICK",

You can use const enums to declare numeric or string enums - they have the same behavior as regular enums.

The major difference is that const enums disappear when the TypeScript is transpiled to JavaScript. Instead of creating an object with the enum's values, the transpiled JavaScript will use the enum's values directly.

For instance, if an array is created that accesses the enum's values, the transpiled JavaScript will end up with those values:

let albumStatuses = [

// the above transpiles to:
let albumStatuses = ["NEW_RELEASE", "ON_SALE", "STAFF_PICK"];

const enums do have some limitations, especially when declared in declaration files (which we'll cover later). The TypeScript team actually recommends avoiding const enums in your library code because they can behave unpredictably for consumers of your library.

Should You Use Enums?

Enums are a useful feature, but they have some quirks that can make them difficult to work with.

There are some alternatives to enums that you might want to consider, such as plain union types. But my preferred alternative uses some syntax we haven't covered yet.

We'll discuss whether you should use enums in general in the section on as const, in chapter 10.


Namespaces were an early feature of TypeScript that tried to solve a big problem in JavaScript at the time - the lack of a module system. They were introduced before ES6 modules were standardized, and they were TypeScript's attempt to organize your code.

Namespaces let you specify closures where you can export functions and types. This allows you to use names that wouldn't conflict with other things declared in the global scope.

Consider a scenario where we are building a TypeScript application to manage a music collection. There could be functions to add an album, calculate sales, and generate reports. Using namespaces, we can group these functions logically:

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export namespace Album {
    export interface Album {
      title: string;
      artist: string;
      year: number;

  export function addAlbum(title: string, artist: string, year: number) {
    // Implementation to add an album to the collection

  export namespace Sales {
    export function recordSale(
      albumTitle: string,
      quantity: number,
      price: number,
    ) {
      // Implementation to record an album sale

    export function calculateTotalSales(albumTitle: string): number {
      // Implementation to calculate total sales for an album
      return 0; // Placeholder return

In this example, AlbumCollection is the main namespace, with Sales as a nested namespace. This structure helps in organizing the code by functionality and makes it clear which part of the application each function pertains to.

The stuff inside of the AlbumCollection can be used as values or types:

const odelay: AlbumCollection.Album.Album = {
  title: "Odelay!",
  artist: "Beck",
  year: 1996,

AlbumCollection.Sales.recordSale("Odelay!", 1, 10.99);

How Namespaces Compile

Namespaces compile into relatively simple JavaScript. For instance, a simpler version of the RecordStoreUtils namespace...

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export function addAlbum(title: string, artist: string, year: number) {
    // Implementation to add an album to the collection

...would be transpiled into the following JavaScript:

var RecordStoreUtils;
(function (RecordStoreUtils) {
  function addAlbum(title, artist, year) {
    // Implementation to add an album to the collection
  RecordStoreUtils.addAlbum = addAlbum;
})(RecordStoreUtils || (RecordStoreUtils = {}));

Similarly to an enum, this code creates an object with properties for each function and type in the namespace. This means that the namespace can be accessed as an object, and its properties can be accessed as methods or properties.

Merging Namespaces

Just like interfaces, namespaces can be merged through declaration merging. This allows you to combine two or more separate declarations into a single definition.

Here we have two declarations of RecordStoreUtils– one with an Album namespace and another with a Sales namespace:

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export namespace Album {
    export interface Album {
      title: string;
      artist: string;
      year: number;

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export namespace Sales {
    export function recordSale(
      albumTitle: string,
      quantity: number,
      price: number,
    ) {
      // Implementation to record an album sale

    export function calculateTotalSales(albumTitle: string): number {
      // Implementation to calculate total sales for an album
      return 0; // Placeholder return

Because namespaces support declaration merging, the two declarations are automatically combined into a single RecordStoreUtils namespace. Both the Album and Sales namespaces can be accessed as before:

const loaded: RecordStoreUtils.Album.Album = {
  title: "Loaded",
  artist: "The Velvet Underground",
  year: 1970,


Merging Interfaces within Namespaces

It's also possible for interfaces within namespaces to be merged. If we had two different RecordStoreUtils each with their own Album interface, TypeScript would automatically merge them into a single Album interface that includes all the properties:

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export interface Album {
    title: string;
    artist: string;
    year: number;

namespace RecordStoreUtils {
  export interface Album {
    genre: string[];
    recordLabel: string;

const madvillainy: RecordStoreUtils.Album = {
  title: "Madvillainy",
  artist: "Madvillain",
  year: 2004,
  genre: ["Hip Hop", "Experimental"],
  recordLabel: "Stones Throw",

This information will become crucial later when we look at the namespace's key use case: globally scoped types.

Should You Use Namespaces?

Imagine ES modules, with import and export, never existed. In this world, everything you declare is in the global scope. You'd have to be careful about naming things, and you'd have to come up with a way to organize your code.

This is the world that TypeScript was born into. Module systems like CommonJS (require) and ES Modules (import, export) weren't popular yet. So, namespaces were a crucial way to avoid naming conflicts and organize your code.

But now that ES modules are widely supported, you should use them over namespaces. Namespaces have very little relevance in modern TypeScript code, with some exceptions which we'll explore in our chapter on global scopes.

When to Prefer ES vs. TS

In this chapter we've looked at several TypeScript-only features. These features have two things in common. First, they don't exist in JavaScript. Second, they are old.

In 2010, when TypeScript was being built, JavaScript was seen as a problematic language that needed fixing. Enums, namespaces and class parameter properties were added in an atmosphere where new runtime additions to JavaScript were seen as a good thing.

But now, JavaScript itself is in a much healthier place. The TC39 committee, the body that decides what features get added to JavaScript, is more active and efficient. New features are being added to the language every year, and the language is evolving rapidly.

The TypeScript team themselves now see their role very differently. Instead of adding new features to TypeScript, they cleave to JavaScript as closely as possible.

The right way to think about TypeScript today is as "JavaScript with types".

Given this attitude, it's clear how we should treat these TypeScript-only features: as relics of the past. If enums, namespaces and class parameter properties were proposed today, they would not even be considered.

But the question remains: should you use them? TypeScript will likely never stop supporting these features. To do so would break too much existing code. So, they're safe to continue using.

But I prefer writing code in the spirit of the language I'm using. Writing "JavaScript with types" keeps the relationship between TypeScript and JavaScript crystal-clear.

However, this is my personal preference. If you're working on a large codebase that already uses these features, it is not worth the effort to remove them. Reaching a decision as a team and staying consistent are the keys.

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