Chapter 4

Essential Types and Annotations

Dive into TypeScript annotations, basic types, object literals, arrays, function typing, async functions, and practical exercises for hands-on learning.


Now we've covered most of the why of TypeScript, it's time to start with the how. We'll cover key concepts like type annotations and type inference, as well as how to start writing type-safe functions.

It's important to build a solid foundation, as everything you'll learn later builds upon what you'll learn in this chapter.

Basic Annotations

One of the most common things you'll need to do as a TypeScript developer is to annotate your code. Annotations tell TypeScript what type something is supposed to be.

Annotations will often use a : - this is used to tell TypeScript that a variable or function parameter is of a certain type.

Function Parameter Annotations

One of the most important annotations you'll use is for function parameters.

For example, here is a logAlbumInfo function that takes in a title string, a trackCount number, and an isReleased boolean:

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
) => {
  // implementation

Each parameter's type annotation enables TypeScript to check that the arguments passed to the function are of the correct type. If the type doesn't match up, TypeScript will show a squiggly red line under the offending argument.

logAlbumInfo("Black Gold", false, 15);
Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.2345
Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

In the example above, we would first get an error under false because a boolean isn't assignable to a number.

logAlbumInfo("Black Gold", 20, 15);
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'.2345
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'.

After fixing that, we would have an error under 15 because a number isn't assignable to a boolean.

Variable Annotations

As well as function parameters, you can also annotate variables.

Here's an example of some variables, with their associated types.

let albumTitle: string = "Midnights";
let isReleased: boolean = true;
let trackCount: number = 13;

Notice how each variable name is followed by a : and its primitive type before its value is set.

Variable annotations are used to explicitly tell TypeScript what we expect the types of our variables to be.

Once a variable has been declared with a specific type annotation, TypeScript will ensure the variable remains compatible with the type you specified.

For example, this reassignment would work:

let albumTitle: string = "Midnights";

albumTitle = "1989";

But this one would show an error:

let isReleased: boolean = true;

isReleased = "yes";
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.2322
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.

TypeScript's static type checking is able to spot errors at compile time, which is happening behind the scenes as you write your code.

In the case of the isReleased example above, the error message reads:

Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.

In other words, TypeScript is telling us that it expects isReleased to be a boolean, but instead received a string.

It's nice to be warned about these kinds of errors before we even run our code!

The Basic Types

TypeScript has a number of basic types that you can use to annotate your code. Here are a few of the most common ones:

let example1: string = "Hello World!";
let example2: number = 42;
let example3: boolean = true;
let example4: symbol = Symbol();
let example5: bigint = 123n;
let example6: null = null;
let example7: undefined = undefined;

Each of these types is used to tell TypeScript what type a variable or function parameter is supposed to be.

You can express much more complex types in TypeScript: arrays, objects, functions and much more. We'll cover these in later chapters.

Type Inference

TypeScript gives you the ability to annotate almost any value, variable or function in your code. You might be thinking “wait, do I need to annotate everything? That's a lot of extra code.”

As it turns out, TypeScript can infer a lot from the context that your code is run.

Variables Don't Always Need Annotations

Let's look again at our variable annotation example, but drop the annotations:

let albumTitle = "Midnights";
let isReleased = true;
let trackCount = 13;

We didn't add the annotations, but TypeScript isn't complaining. What's going on?

Try hovering your cursor over each variable.

// hovering over each variable name

let albumTitle: string;
let isReleased: boolean;
let trackCount: number;

Even though they aren't annotated, TypeScript is still picking up the type that they're each supposed to be. This is TypeScript inferring the type of the variable from usage.

It behaves as if we'd annotated it, warning us if we try to assign it a different type from what it was assigned originally:

let isReleased = true;

isReleased = "yes";
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.2322
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.

And also giving us autocomplete on the variable:

albumTitle.toUpper; // shows `toUpperCase` in autocomplete

This is an extremely powerful part of TypeScript. It means that you can mostly not annotate variables and still have your IDE know what type things are.

Function Parameters Always Need Annotations

But type inference can't work everywhere. Let's see what happens if we remove the type annotations from the logAlbumInfo function's parameters:

const logAlbumInfo = (
Parameter 'title' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'title' implicitly has an 'any' type. trackCount,
Parameter 'trackCount' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'trackCount' implicitly has an 'any' type. isReleased,
Parameter 'isReleased' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'isReleased' implicitly has an 'any' type.) => { // rest of function body };

On its own, TypeScript isn't able to infer the types of the parameters, so it shows an error under each parameter name.

This is because functions are very different to variables. TypeScript can see what value is assigned to which variable, so it can make a good guess about the type.

But TypeScript can't tell from a function parameter alone what type it's supposed to be. When you don't annotate it, it defaults the type to any - a scary, unsafe type.

It also can't detect it from usage. If we had an 'add' function that took two parameters, TypeScript wouldn't be able to tell that they were supposed to be numbers:

function add(a, b) {
Parameter 'b' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'b' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'a' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'a' implicitly has an 'any' type. return a + b; }

a and b could be strings, booleans, or anything else. TypeScript can't know from the function body what type they're supposed to be.

So, when you're declaring a named function, their parameters always need annotations in TypeScript.

The any Type

The error we encountered in the 'Function Parameters Always Need Annotations' section was pretty scary:

Parameter 'title' implicitly has an 'any' type.

When TypeScript doesn't know what type something is, it assigns it the any type.

This type breaks TypeScript's type system. It turns off type safety on the thing it's assigned to.

This means that anything can be assigned to it, any property on it can be accessed/assigned to, and it can be called like a function.

let anyVariable: any = "This can be anything!";

anyVariable(); // no error; // no error

The code above will error at runtime, but TypeScript isn't giving us a warning!

So, using any can be used to turn off errors in TypeScript. It can be a useful escape hatch for when a type is too complex to describe.

But over-using any defeats the purpose of using TypeScript, so it's best to avoid using it whenever possible– whether implicitly or explicitly.


Exercise 1: Basic Types with Function Parameters

Let's start with an add function which takes two boolean parameters a and b and returns a + b:

export const add = (a: boolean, b: boolean) => {
  return a + b;
Operator '+' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and 'boolean'.2365
Operator '+' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and 'boolean'.};

A result variable is created by calling the add function. The result variable is then checked to see if it is equal to a number:

const result = add(1, 2);
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'.2345
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'. type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, number>>;
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.

Currently, there are a few errors in the code that are marked by red squiggly lines.

The first is on the return line of the add function, where we have a + b:

Operator '+' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and 'boolean'

There's also an error below the 1 argument in the add function call:

Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'

Finally, we can see that our test result has an error because the result is currently typed as any, which is not equal to number.

Your challenge is to consider how we can change the types to make the errors go away, and to ensure that result is a number. You can hover over result to check it.

Exercise 1: Basic Types with Function Parameters

Exercise 2: Annotating Empty Parameters

Here we have a concatTwoStrings function that is similar in shape to the add function. It takes two parameters, a and b, and returns a string.

const concatTwoStrings = (a, b) => {
Parameter 'b' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'b' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Parameter 'a' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'a' implicitly has an 'any' type. return [a, b].join(" "); };

There are currently errors on the a and b parameters, which have not been annotated with types.

The result of calling concatTwoStrings with "Hello" and "World" and checking if it is a string does not show any errors:

const result = concatTwoStrings("Hello", "World");

type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, string>>;

Your job is to add some function paramater annotations to the concatTwoStrings function to make the errors go away.

Exercise 2: Annotating Empty Parameters

Exercise 3: The Basic Types

As we've seen, TypeScript will show errors when types don't match.

This set of examples shows us the basic types that TypeScript gives us to describe JavaScript:

export let example1: string = "Hello World!";
export let example2: string = 42;
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.export let example3: string = true;
Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string'.export let example4: string = Symbol();
Type 'symbol' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'symbol' is not assignable to type 'string'.export let example5: string = 123n;
Type 'bigint' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'bigint' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Note that the colon : is used to annotate the type of each variable, just like it was for typing the function parameters.

You'll also notice there are several errors.

Hovering over each of the underlined variables will display any associated error messages.

For example, hovering over example2 will show:

Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

The type error for example3 tells us:

Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Change the types of the annotations on each variable to make the errors go away.

Exercise 3: The Basic Types

Exercise 4: The any Type

Here is a function called handleFormData that accepts an e typed as any. The function prevents the default form submission behavior, then creates an object from the form data and returns it:

const handleFormData = (e: any) => {

  const data = new FormData(e.terget);

  const value = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());

  return value;

Here is a test for the function that creates a form, sets the innerHTML to add an input, and then manually submits the form. When it submits, we expect the value to equal the value that was in our form that we grafted in there:

it("Should handle a form submit", () => {
  const form = document.createElement("form");

  form.innerHTML = `
<input name="name" value="John Doe"></Exercise>

  form.onsubmit = (e) => {
    const value = handleFormData(e);

    expect(value).toEqual({ name: "John Doe" });



Note that this isn't the normal way you would test a form, but it provides a way to test the example handleFormData function more extensively.

In the code's current state, there are no red squiggly lines present.

However, when running the test with Vitest we get an error similar to the following:

This error originated in "any.problem.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.

The latest test that might've caused the error is "Should handle a form submit". It might mean one of the following:

- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.

- This was the last recorded test before the error was thrown, if error originated after test finished its execution.

Why is this error happening? Why isn't TypeScript giving us an error here?

I'll give you a clue. I've hidden a nasty typo in there. Can you fix it?

Exercise 4: The any Type

Solution 1: Basic Types with Function Parameters

Common sense tells us that the booleans in the add function should be replaced with some sort of number type.

If you are coming from another language, you might be tempted to try using int or float, but TypeScript only has the number type:

function add(a: number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

Making this change resolves the errors, and also gives us some other bonuses.

If we try calling the add function with a string instead of a number, we'd get an error that type string is not assignable to type number:

add("something", 2);
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.2345
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

Not only that, but the result of our function is now inferred for us:

const result = add(1, 2);
const result: number

So TypeScript can not only infer variables, but also the return types of functions.

Solution 2: Annotating Empty Parameters

As we know, function parameters always need annotations in TypeScript.

So, let's update the function declaration parameters so that a and b are both specified as string:

const concatTwoStrings = (a: string, b: string) => {
  return [a, b].join(" ");

This change fixes the errors.

For a bonus point, what type will the return type be inferred as?

const result = concatTwoStrings("Hello", "World");
const result: string

Solution 3: Updating Basic Types

Each of the examples represents the TypeScript's basic types, and would be annotated as follows:

let example1: string = "Hello World!";
let example2: number = 42;
let example3: boolean = true;
let example4: symbol = Symbol();
let example5: bigint = 123n;

We've already seen string, number, and boolean. The symbol type is used for Symbols which are used to ensure property keys are unique. The bigint type is used for numbers that are too large for the number type.

However, in practice you mostly won't annotate variables like this. If we remove the explicit type annotations, there won't be any errors at all:

let example1 = "Hello World!";
let example2 = 42;
let example3 = true;
let example4 = Symbol();
let example5 = 123n;

These basic types are very useful to know, even if you don't always need them for your variable declarations.

Solution 4: The any Type

In this case, using any did not help us at all. In fact, any annotations seem to actually turn off type checking!

With the any type, we're free to do anything we want to the variable, and TypeScript will not prevent it.

Using any also disables useful features like autocompletion, which can help you avoid typos.

That's right-- the error in the above code was caused by a typo of e.terget instead of when creating the FormData!

const handleFormData = (e: any) => {

  const data = new FormData(e.terget); // e.terget! Whoops!

  const value = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());

  return value;

If e had been properly typed, this error would have been caught by TypeScript right away. We'll come back to this example in the future to see the proper typing.

Using any may seem like a quick fix when you have trouble figuring out how to properly type something, but it can come back to bite you later.

Object Literal Types

Now that we've done some exploration with basic types, let's move on to object types.

Object types are used to describe the shape of objects. Each property of an object can have its own type annotation.

When defining an object type, we use curly braces to contain the properties and their types:

const talkToAnimal = (animal: { name: string; type: string; age: number }) => {
  // rest of function body

This curly braces syntax is called an object literal type.

Optional Object Properties

We can use ? operator to mark the age property as optional:

const talkToAnimal = (animal: { name: string; type: string; age?: number }) => {
  // rest of function body

One cool thing about type annotations with object literals is that they provide auto-completion for the property names while you're typing.

For instance, when calling talkToAnimal, it will provide you with an auto-complete dropdown with suggestions for the name, type, and age properties.

This feature can save you a lot of time, and also helps to avoid typos in a situation when you have several properties with similar names.


Exercise 1: Object Literal Types

Here we have a concatName function that accepts a user object with first and last keys:

const concatName = (user) => {
Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type. return `${user.first} ${user.last}`; };

The test expects that the full name should be returned, and it is passing:

it("should return the full name", () => {
  const result = concatName({
    first: "John",
    last: "Doe",

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, string>>;

  expect(result).toEqual("John Doe");

However, there is a familiar error on the user parameter in the concatName function:

Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type.

We can tell from the concatName function body that it expects user.first and user.last to be strings.

How could we type the user parameter to ensure that it has these properties and that they are of the correct type?

Exercise 1: Object Literal Types

Exercise 2: Optional Property Types

Here's a version of the concatName function that has been updated to return just the first name if a last name wasn't provided:

const concatName = (user: { first: string; last: string }) => {
  if (!user.last) {
    return user.first;

  return `${user.first} ${user.last}`;

Like before, TypeScript gives us an error when testing that the function returns only the first name when no last name is provided passes:

const result = concatName({
Argument of type '{ first: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ first: string; last: string; }'. Property 'last' is missing in type '{ first: string; }' but required in type '{ first: string; last: string; }'.2345
Argument of type '{ first: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ first: string; last: string; }'. Property 'last' is missing in type '{ first: string; }' but required in type '{ first: string; last: string; }'. first: "John", });

The error tells us that we are missing a property, but the error is incorrect. We do want to support objects that only include a first property. In other words, last needs to be optional.

How would you update this function to fix the errors?

Exercise 2: Optional Property Types

Solution 1: Object Literal Types

In order to annotate the user parameter as an object, we can use the curly brace syntax {}.

Let's start by annotating the user parameter as an empty object:

const concatName = (user: {}) => {
  return `${user.first} ${user.last}`;
Property 'last' does not exist on type '{}'.2339
Property 'last' does not exist on type '{}'.
Property 'first' does not exist on type '{}'.2339
Property 'first' does not exist on type '{}'.};

The errors change. This is progress, of a kind. The errors now show up under .first and .last in the function return.

In order to fix these errors, we need to add the first and last properties to the type annotation.

const concatName = (user: { first: string; last: string }) => {
  return `${user.first} ${user.last}`;

Now TypeScript knows that both the first and last properties of user are strings, and the test passes.

Solution 2: Optional Property Types

Similar to when we set a function parameter as optional, we can use the ? to specify that an object's property is optional.

As seen in a previous exercise, we can add a question mark to function parameters to make them optional:

function concatName(user: { first: string; last?: string }) {
  // implementation

Adding ?: indicates to TypeScript that the property doesn't need to be present.

If we hover over the last property inside of the function body, we'll see that the last property is string | undefined:

// hovering over `user.last`

(property) last?: string | undefined

This means it's string OR undefined. This is a useful feature of TypeScript that we'll see more of in the future.

Type Aliases

So far, we've been declaring all of our types inline. This is fine for these simple examples, but in a real application we're going to have types which repeat a lot across our app.

These might be users, products, or other domain-specific types. We don't want to have to repeat the same type definition in every file that needs it.

This is where the type keyword comes in. It allows us to define a type once and use it in multiple places.

type Animal = {
  name: string;
  type: string;
  age?: number;

This is what's called a type alias. It's a way to give a name to a type, and then use that name wherever we need to use that type.

To create a new variable with the Animal type, we'll add it as a type annotation after the variable name:

let pet: Animal = {
  name: "Karma",
  type: "cat",

We can also use the Animal type alias in place of the object type annotation in a function:

const getAnimalDescription = (animal: Animal) => {
  // implementation

And call the function with our pet variable:

const desc = getAnimalDescription(pet);

Type aliases can be objects, but they can also use basic types:

type Id = string | number;

We'll look at this syntax later, but it's basically saying that an Id can be either a string or a number.

Using a type alias is a great way to ensure there's a single source of truth for a type definition, which makes it easier to make changes in the future.

Sharing Types Across Modules

Type aliases can be created in their own .ts files and imported into the files where you need them. This is useful when sharing types in multiple places, or when a type definition gets too large:

// In shared-types.ts

export type Animal = {
  width: number;
  height: number;

// In index.ts

import { Animal } from "./shared-types";

As a convention, you can even create your own .types.ts files. This can help to keep your type definitions separate from your other code.


Exercise 1: The type Keyword

Here's some code that uses the same type in multiple places:

const getRectangleArea = (rectangle: { width: number; height: number }) => {
  return rectangle.width * rectangle.height;

const getRectanglePerimeter = (rectangle: {
  width: number;
  height: number;
}) => {
  return 2 * (rectangle.width + rectangle.height);

The getRectangleArea and getRectanglePerimeter functions both take in a rectangle object with width and height properties.

Tests for each function pass as expected:

it("should return the area of a rectangle", () => {
  const result = getRectangleArea({
    width: 10,
    height: 20,

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, number>>;


it("should return the perimeter of a rectangle", () => {
  const result = getRectanglePerimeter({
    width: 10,
    height: 20,

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, number>>;


Even though everything is working as expected, there's an opportunity for refactoring to clean things up.

How could you use the type keyword to make this code more readable?

Exercise 1: The type Keyword

Solution 1: The type Keyword

You can use the type keyword to create a Rectangle type with width and height properties:

type Rectangle = {
  width: number;
  height: number;

With the type alias created, we can update the getRectangleArea and getRectanglePerimeter functions to use the Rectangle type:

const getRectangleArea = (rectangle: Rectangle) => {
  return rectangle.width * rectangle.height;

const getRectanglePerimeter = (rectangle: Rectangle) => {
  return 2 * (rectangle.width + rectangle.height);

This makes the code a lot more concise, and gives us a single source of truth for the Rectangle type.

Arrays and Tuples


You can also describe the types of arrays in TypeScript. There are two different syntaxes for doing this.

The first option is the square bracket syntax. This syntax is similar to the type annotations we've made so far, but with the addition of two square brackets at the end to indicate an array.

let albums: string[] = [
  "Rubber Soul",
  "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band",

let dates: number[] = [1965, 1966, 1967];

The second option is to explicitly use the Array type with angle brackets containing the type of data the array will hold:

let albums: Array<string> = [
  "Rubber Soul",
  "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band",

Both of these syntaxes are equivalent, but the square bracket syntax is a bit more concise when creating arrays. It's also the way that TypeScript presents error messages. Keep the angle bracket syntax in mind, though– we'll see more examples of it later on.

Arrays Of Objects

When specifying an array's type, you can use any built-in types, inline types, or type aliases:

type Album = {
  artist: string;
  title: string;
  year: number;

let selectedDiscography: Album[] = [
    artist: "The Beatles",
    title: "Rubber Soul",
    year: 1965,
    artist: "The Beatles",
    title: "Revolver",
    year: 1966,

And if you try to update the array with an item that doesn't match the type, TypeScript will give you an error:

selectedDiscography.push({ name: "Karma", type: "cat" });
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'Album'.2353
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'Album'.


Tuples let you specify an array with a fixed number of elements, where each element has its own type.

Creating a tuple is similar to an array's square bracket syntax - except the square brackets contain the types instead of abutting the variable name:

// Tuple
let album: [string, number] = ["Rubber Soul", 1965];

// Array
let albums: string[] = [
  "Rubber Soul",
  "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band",

Tuples are useful for grouping related information together without having to create a new type.

For example, if we wanted to group an album with its play count, we could do something like this:

let albumWithPlayCount: [Album, number] = [
    artist: "The Beatles",
    title: "Revolver",
    year: 1965,

Named Tuples

To add more clarity to the tuple, names for each of the types can be added inside of the square brackets:

type MyTuple = [album: Album, playCount: number];

This can be helpful when you have a tuple with a lot of elements, or when you want to make the code more readable.


Exercise 1: Array Type

Consider the following shopping cart code:

type ShoppingCart = {
  userId: string;

const processCart = (cart: ShoppingCart) => {
  // Do something with the cart in here

  userId: "user123",
  items: ["item1", "item2", "item3"],
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'items' does not exist in type 'ShoppingCart'.2353
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'items' does not exist in type 'ShoppingCart'.});

We have a type alias for ShoppingCart that currently has a userId property of type string.

The processCart function takes in a cart parameter of type ShoppingCart. Its implementation doesn't matter at this point.

What does matter is that when we call processCart, we are passing in an object with a userId and an items property that is an array of strings.

There is an error underneath items that reads:

Argument of type '{ userId: string; items: string[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ShoppingCart'.

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'items' does not exist in type 'ShoppingCart'.

As the error message points out, there is not currently a property called items on the ShoppingCart type.

How would you fix this error?

Exercise 1: Array Type

Exercise 2: Arrays of Objects

Consider this processRecipe function which takes in a Recipe type:

type Recipe = {
  title: string;
  instructions: string;

const processRecipe = (recipe: Recipe) => {
  // Do something with the recipe in here

  title: "Chocolate Chip Cookies",
  ingredients: [
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'ingredients' does not exist in type 'Recipe'.2353
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'ingredients' does not exist in type 'Recipe'. { name: "Flour", quantity: "2 cups" }, { name: "Sugar", quantity: "1 cup" }, ], instructions: "...", });

The function is called with an object containing title, instructions, and ingredients properties, but there are currently errors because the Recipe type doesn't currently have an ingredients property:

Argument of type '{title: string; ingredients: { name: string; quantity: string; }[]; instructions: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Recipe'.

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'ingredients' does not exist in type 'Recipe'.

By combining what you've seen with typing object properties and working with arrays, how would you specify ingredients for the Recipe type?

Exercise 2: Arrays of Objects

Exercise 3: Tuples

Here we have a setRange function that takes in an array of numbers:

const setRange = (range: Array<number>) => {
  const x = range[0];
  const y = range[1];

  // Do something with x and y in here
  // x and y should both be numbers!

  type tests = [
    Expect<Equal<typeof x, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. Expect<Equal<typeof y, number>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. ]; };

Inside the function, we grab the first element of the array and assign it to x, and we grab the second element of the array and assign it to y.

There are two tests inside the setRange function that are currently failing.

Using the // @ts-expect-error directive, we find there are a couple more errors that need fixing. Recall that this directive tells TypeScript we know there will be an error on the next line, so ignore it. However, if we say we expect an error but there isn't one, we will get the red squiggly lines on the actual //@ts-expect-error line.

// @ts-expect-error too few arguments
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.setRange([0]); // @ts-expect-error too many arguments
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.setRange([0, 10, 20]);

The code for the setRange function needs an updated type annotation to specify that it only accepts a tuple of two numbers.

Exercise 3: Tuples

Exercise 4: Optional Members of Tuples

This goToLocation function takes in an array of coordinates. Each coordinate has a latitude and longitude, which are both numbers, as well as an optional elevation which is also a number:

const goToLocation = (coordinates: Array<number>) => {
  const latitude = coordinates[0];
  const longitude = coordinates[1];
  const elevation = coordinates[2];

  // Do something with latitude, longitude, and elevation in here

  type tests = [
    Expect<Equal<typeof latitude, number>>,
    Expect<Equal<typeof longitude, number>>,
    Expect<Equal<typeof elevation, number | undefined>>,
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. ]; };

Your challenge is to update the type annotation for the coordinates parameter to specify that it should be a tuple of three numbers, where the third number is optional.

Exercise 4: Optional Members of Tuples

Solution 1: Array Type

For the ShoppingCart example, defining an array of item strings would looks like this when using the square bracket syntax:

type ShoppingCart = {
  userId: string;
  items: string[];

With this in place, we must pass in items as an array. A single string or other type would result in a type error.

The other syntax is to explicitly write Array and pass it a type inside the angle brackets:

type ShoppingCart = {
  userId: string;
  items: Array<string>;

Solution 2: Arrays of Objects

There are a few different ways to express an array of objects.

One approach would be to to create a new Ingredient type that we can use to represent the objects in the array:

type Ingredient = {
  name: string;
  quantity: string;

Then the Recipe type can be updated to include an ingredients property of type Ingredient[]:

type Recipe = {
  title: string;
  instructions: string;
  ingredients: Ingredient[];

This solution reads nicely, fixes the errors, and helps to create a mental map of our domain model.

As seen previously, using the Array<Ingredient> syntax would also work:

type Recipe = {
  title: string;
  instructions: string;
  ingredients: Array<Ingredient>;

It's also possible to specify the ingredients property as an inline object literal on the Recipe type using the square brackets:

type Recipe = {
  title: string;
  instructions: string;
  ingredients: {
    name: string;
    quantity: string;

Or using Array<>:

type Recipe = {
  title: string;
  instructions: string;
  ingredients: Array<{
    name: string;
    quantity: string;

The inline approaches are useful, but I prefer extracting them out to a new type. This means that if another part of your application needs to use the Ingredient type, it can.

Solution 3: Tuples

In this case, we would update the setRange function to use the tuple syntax instead of the array syntax:

const setRange = (range: [number, number]) => {
  // rest of function body

If you want to add more clarity to the tuple, you can add names for each of the types:

const setRange = (range: [x: number, y: number]) => {
  // rest of function body

Solution 4: Optional Members of Tuples

A good start would be to change the coordinates parameter to a tuple of [number, number, number | undefined]:

const goToLocation = (coordinates: [number, number, number | undefined]) => {};

The problem here is that while the third member of the tuple is able to be a number or undefined, the function still is expecting something to be passed in. It's not a good solution to have to pass in undefined manually.

Using a named tuple in combination with the optional operator ? is a better solution:

const goToLocation = (
  coordinates: [latitude: number, longitude: number, elevation?: number],
) => {};

The values are clear, and using the ? operator specifies the elevation is an optional number. It almost looks like an object, but it's still a tuple.

Alternatively, if you don't want to use named tuples, you can use the ? operator after the definition:

const goToLocation = (coordinates: [number, number, number?]) => {};

Passing Types To Functions

Let's take a quick look back at the Array type we saw earlier.


This type describes an array of strings. To make that happen, we're passing a type (string) as an argument to another type (Array).

There are lots of other types that can receive types, like Promise<string>, Record<string, string>, and others. In each of them, we use the angle brackets to pass a type to another type.

But we can also use that syntax to pass types to functions.

Passing Types To Set

A Set is a JavaScript feature that represents a collection of unique values.

To create a Set, use the new keyword and call Set:

const formats = new Set();
const formats: Set<unknown>

If we hover over the formats variable, we can see that it is typed as Set<unknown>.

That's because the Set doesn't know what type it's supposed to be! We haven't passed it any values, so it defaults to an unknown type.

One way to have TypeScript know what type we want the Set to hold would be to pass in some initial values:

const formats = new Set(["CD", "DVD"]);
const formats: Set<string>

In this case, since we specified two strings when creating the Set, TypeScript knows that formats is a Set of strings.

But it's not always the case that we know exactly what values we want to pass to a Set when we create it. We might want to create an empty Set that we know will hold strings later on.

For this, we can pass a type to Set using the angle brackets syntax:

const formats = new Set<string>();

Now, formats understands that it's a set of strings, and adding anything other than a string will fail:


Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.2345
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.

This is a really important thing to understand in TypeScript. You can pass types, as well as values, to functions.

Not All Functions Can Receive Types

Most functions in TypeScript can't receive types.

For example, let's look at document.getElementById that comes in from the DOM typings.

A common example where you might want to pass a type is when calling document.getElementById. Here we're trying to get an audio element:

const audioElement = document.getElementById("player");

We know that audioElement is going to be a HTMLAudioElement, so it seems like we should be able to pass it to document.getElementById:

const audioElement = document.getElementById<HTMLAudioElement>("player");
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.2558
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.

But unfortunately, we can't. We get an error saying that .getElementById expects zero type arguments.

We can see whether a function can receive type arguments by hovering over it. Let's try hovering .getElementById:

// hovering over .getElementById shows:
(method) Document.getElementById(elementId: string): HTMLElement | null

Notice that .getElementById contains no angle brackets (<>) in its hover, which is why we can't pass a type to it.

Let's contrast it with a function that can receive type arguments, like document.querySelector:

const audioElement = document.querySelector("#player");

// hovering over .querySelector shows:
(method) ParentNode.querySelector<Element>(selectors: string): Element | null

This type definition shows us that .querySelector has some angle brackets before the parentheses. Inside of the brackets is the default value inside them - in this case, Element.

So, to fix our code above we could replace .getElementById with .querySelector and use the #player selector to find the audio element:

const audioElement = document.querySelector<HTMLAudioElement>("#player");

And everything works.

So, to tell whether a function can receive a type argument, hover it and check whether it has any angle brackets.


Exercise 1: Passing Types to Map

Here we are creating a Map, a JavaScript feature which represents a dictionary.

In this case we want to pass in a number for the key, and an object for the value:

const userMap = new Map();

userMap.set(1, { name: "Max", age: 30 });

userMap.set(2, { name: "Manuel", age: 31 });

// @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.userMap.set("3", { name: "Anna", age: 29 }); // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.userMap.set(3, "123");

There are red lines on the @ts-expect-error directives because currently any type of key and value is allowed in the Map.

// hovering over Map shows:
var Map: MapConstructor

new () => Map<any, any> (+3 overloads)

How would we type the userMap so the key must be a number and the value is an object with name and age properties?

Exercise 1: Passing Types to Map

Exercise 2: JSON.parse() Can't Receive Type Arguments

Consider the following code, which uses JSON.parse to parse some JSON:

const parsedData = JSON.parse<{
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.2558
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1. name: string; age: number; }>('{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}');

There is currently an error under the type argument for JSON.parse.

A test that checks the type of parsedData is currently failing, since it is typed as any instead of the expected type:

type test = Expect<
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'. typeof parsedData, { name: string; age: number; } > >;

We've tried to pass a type argument to the JSON.parse function. But it doesn't appear to be working in this case.

The test errors tell us that the type of parsed is not what we expect. The properties name and age are not being recognized.

Why this is happening? What would be an different way to correct these type errors?

Exercise 2: JSON.parse() Can't Receive Type Arguments

Solution 1: Passing Types to Map

There are a few different ways to solve this problem, but we'll start with the most straightforward one.

The first thing to do is to create a User type:

type User = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

Following the patterns we've seen so far, we can pass number and User as the types for the Map:

const userMap = new Map<number, User>();

That's right - some functions can receive multiple type arguments. In this case, the Map constructor can receive two types: one for the key, and one for the value.

With this change, the errors go away, and we can no longer pass in incorrect types into the userMap.set function.

You can also express the User type inline:

const userMap = new Map<number, { name: string; age: number }>();

Solution 2: JSON.parse() Can't Receive Type Arguments

Let's look a bit closer at the error message we get when passing a type argument to JSON.parse:

Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.

This message indicates that TypeScript is not expecting anything inside the angle braces when calling JSON.parse. To resolve this error, we can remove the angle braces:

const parsedData = JSON.parse('{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}');

Now that .parse is receiving the correct number of type arguments, TypeScript is happy.

However, we want our parsed data to have the correct type. Hovering over JSON.parse, we can see its type definition:

JSON.parse(text: string, reviver?: ((this: any, key: string, value: any) => any)  undefined): any

It always returns any, which is a bit of a problem.

To get around this issue, we can give parsedData a variable type annotation with name: string and age: number:

const parsedData: {
  name: string;
  age: number;
} = JSON.parse('{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}');

Now we have parsedData typed as we want it to be.

The reason this works is because any disables type checking. So, we can assign it any type we want to. We could assign it something that doesn't make sense, like number, and TypeScript wouldn't complain:

const parsedData: number = JSON.parse('{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}');

So, this is more 'type faith' than 'type safe'. We are hoping that parsedData is the type we expect it to be. This relies on us keeping the type annotation up to date with the actual data.

Typing Functions

Optional Parameters

For cases where a function parameter is optional, we can add the ? operator before the :.

Say we wanted to add an optional releaseDate parameter to the logAlbumInfo function. We could do so like this:

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
  releaseDate?: string,
) => {
  // rest of function body

Now we can call logAlbumInfo and include a release date string, or leave it out:

logAlbumInfo("Midnights", 13, true, "2022-10-21");

logAlbumInfo("American Beauty", 10, true);

Hovering over the optional releaseDate parameter in VS Code will show us that it is now typed as string | undefined.

We'll discuss the | symbol more later, but this means that the parameter could either be a string or undefined. It would be acceptable to literally pass undefined as a second argument, or it can be omitted all together.

Default Parameters

In addition to marking parameters as optional, you can set default values for parameters by using the = operator.

For example, we could set the format to default to "CD" if no format is provided:

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
  format: string = "CD",
) => {
  // rest of function body

The annotation of : string can also be omitted:

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
  format = "CD",
) => {
  // rest of function body

Since it can infer the type of the format parameter from the value provided. This is another nice example of type inference.

Function Return Types

In addition to setting parameter types, we can also set the return type of a function.

The return type of a function can be annotated by placing a : and the type after the closing parentheses of the parameter list. For the logAlbumInfo function, we can specify that the function will return a string:

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
): string => {
  // rest of function body

If the value returned from a function doesn't match the type that was specified, TypeScript will show an error.

const logAlbumInfo = (
  title: string,
  trackCount: number,
  isReleased: boolean,
): string => {
  return 123;
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.};

Return types are useful for when you want to ensure that a function returns a specific type of value.

Rest Parameters

Just like in JavaScript, TypeScript supports rest parameters by using the ... syntax for the final parameter. This allows you to pass in any number of arguments to a function.

For example, this printAlbumFormats is set up to accept an album and any number of formats:

function getAlbumFormats(album: Album, ...formats: string[]) {
  return `${album.title} is available in the following formats: ${formats.join(
    ", ",

Declaring the parameter with the ...formats syntax combined with an array of strings lets us pass in any number of strings to the function:

  { artist: "Radiohead", title: "OK Computer", year: 1997 },

Or even by spreading in an array of strings:

const albumFormats = ["CD", "LP", "Cassette"];

  { artist: "Radiohead", title: "OK Computer", year: 1997 },

As an alternative, we can use the Array<> syntax instead.

function getAlbumFormats(album: Album, ...formats: Array<string>) {
  // function body

Function Types

We've used type annotations to specify the types of function parameters, but we can also use TypeScript to describe the types of functions themselves.

We can do this using this syntax:

type Mapper = (item: string) => number;

This is a type alias for a function that takes in a string and returns a number.

We could then use this to describe a callback function passed to another function:

const mapOverItems = (items: string[], map: Mapper) => {

Or, declare it inline:

const mapOverItems = (items: string[], map: (item: string) => number) => {

This lets us pass a function to mapOverItems that changes the value of the items in the array.

const arrayOfNumbers = mapOverItems(["1", "2", "3"], (item) => {
  return parseInt(item) * 100;

Function types are as flexible as function definitions. You can declare multiple parameters, rest parameters, and optional parameters.

// Optional parameters
type WithOptional = (index?: number) => number;

// Rest parameters
type WithRest = ( string[]) => number;

// Multiple parameters
type WithMultiple = (first: string, second: string) => number;

The void Type

Some functions don't return anything. They perform some kind of action, but they don't produce a value.

A great example is a console.log:

const logResult = console.log("Hello!");

What type do you expect logResult to be? In JavaScript, the value is undefined. If we were to console.log(logResult), that's what we'd see in the console.

But TypeScript has a special type for these situations - where a function's return value should be deliberately ignored. It's called void.

If we hover over .log in console.log, we'll see that it returns void:

(method) Console.log( any[]): void

So, logResult is also void.

This is TypeScript's way of saying "ignore the result of this function call".

Typing Async Functions

We've looked at how to strongly type what a function returns, via a return type:

const getUser = (id: string): User => {
  // function body

But what about when the function is asynchronous?

const getUser = async (id: string): User => {
A function whose declared type is neither 'undefined', 'void', nor 'any' must return a value.2355
A function whose declared type is neither 'undefined', 'void', nor 'any' must return a value.
The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise<T> type. Did you mean to write 'Promise<User>'?1064
The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise<T> type. Did you mean to write 'Promise<User>'? // function body };

Fortunately, TypeScript's error message is helpful here. It's telling us that the return type of an async function must be a Promise.

So, we can pass User to a Promise:

const getUser = async (id: string): Promise<User> => {
  const user = await db.users.get(id);

  return user;

Now, our function must return a Promise that resolves to a User.


Exercise 1: Optional Function Parameters

Here we have a concatName function, whose implementation takes in two string parameters first and last.

If there's no last name passed, the return would be just the first name. Otherwise, it would return first concatenated with last:

const concatName = (first: string, last: string) => {
  if (!last) {
    return first;

  return `${first} ${last}`;

When calling concatName with a first and last name, the function works as expected without errors:

const result = concatName("John", "Doe");

However, when calling concatName with just a first name, we get an error:

const result2 = concatName("John");
Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.2554
Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.

Try to use an optional parameter annotation to fix the error.

Exercise 1: Optional Function Parameters

Exercise 2: Default Function Parameters

Here we have the same concatName function as before, where the last name is optional:

const concatName = (first: string, last?: string) => {
  if (!last) {
    return first;

  return `${first} ${last}`;

We also have a couple of tests. This test checks that the function returns the full name when passed a first and last name:

it("should return the full name", () => {
  const result = concatName("John", "Doe");

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, string>>;

  expect(result).toEqual("John Doe");

However, the second test expects that when concatName is called with just a first name as an argument, the function should use Pocock as the default last name:

it("should return the first name", () => {
  const result = concatName("John");

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof result, string>>;

  expect(result).toEqual("John Pocock");

This test currently fails, with the output from vitest indicating the error is on the expect line:

AssertionError: expected 'John' to deeply equal 'John Pocock'

- Expected

+ Received

— John Pocock

+ John

expect(result).toEqual("John Pocock");

Update the concatName function to use Pocock as the default last name if one is not provided.

Exercise 2: Default Function Parameters

Exercise 3: Rest Parameters

Here we have a concatenate function that takes in a variable number of strings:

export function concatenate(...strings) {
Rest parameter 'strings' implicitly has an 'any[]' type.7019
Rest parameter 'strings' implicitly has an 'any[]' type. return strings.join(""); }

The test passes, but there's an error on the ...strings rest parameter.

How would you update the rest parameter to specify that it should be an array of strings?

Exercise 3: Rest Parameters

Exercise 4: Function Types

Here, we have a modifyUser function that takes in an array of users, an id of the user that we want to change, and a makeChange function that makes that change:

type User = {
  id: string;
  name: string;

const modifyUser = (user: User[], id: string, makeChange) => {
Parameter 'makeChange' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'makeChange' implicitly has an 'any' type. return => { if ( === id) { return makeChange(u); } return u; }); };

Currently there is an error under makeChange.

Here's an example of how this function would be called:

const users: User[] = [
  { id: "1", name: "John" },
  { id: "2", name: "Jane" },

modifyUser(users, "1", (user) => {
Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'user' implicitly has an 'any' type. return { ...user, name: "Waqas" }; });

In the above example, the user parameter to the error function also has the "implicit any" error.

The modifyUser type annotation for the makeChange function to be updated. It should return a modified user. For example, we should not be able to return a name of 123, because in the User type, name is a string:

  // @ts-expect-error
  (user) => {
    return { ...user, name: 123 };

How would you type makeChange as a function takes in a User and returns a User?

Exercise 4: Function Types

Exercise 5: Functions Returning void

Here we explore a classic web development example.

We have an addClickEventListener function that takes in a listener function and adds it to the document:

const addClickEventListener = (listener) => {
Parameter 'listener' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006
Parameter 'listener' implicitly has an 'any' type. document.addEventListener("click", listener); }; addClickEventListener(() => { console.log("Clicked!"); });

Currently there is an error under listener because it doesn't have a type signature.

We're also not getting an error when we pass an incorrect value to addClickEventListener.

  // @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive. "abc", );

This is triggering our @ts-expect-error directive.

How should addClickEventListener be typed so that each error is resolved?

Exercise 5: Functions Returning void

Exercise 6: void vs undefined

We've got a function that accepts a callback and calls it. The callback doesn't return anything, so we've typed it as () => undefined:

const acceptsCallback = (callback: () => undefined) => {

But we're getting an error when we try to pass in returnString, a function that does return something:

const returnString = () => {
  return "Hello!";

Argument of type '() => string' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => undefined'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.2345
Argument of type '() => string' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => undefined'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

Why is this happening? Can we alter the type of acceptsCallback to fix this error?

Exercise 6: void vs undefined

Exercise 7: Typing Async Functions

This fetchData function awaits the response from a call to fetch, then gets the data by calling response.json():

async function fetchData() {
  const response = await fetch("");

  const data = await response.json();

  return data;

There are a couple of things worth noting here.

Hovering over response, we can see that it has a type of Response, which is a globally available type:

// hovering over response
const response: Response;

When hovering over response.json(), we can see that it returns a Promise<any>:

// hovering over response.json()

const response.json(): Promise<any>

If we were to remove the await keyword from the call to fetch, the return type would also become Promise<any>:

const response = fetch("");

// hovering over response shows

const response: Promise<any>;

Consider this example and its test:

const example = async () => {
  const data = await fetchData();

  type test = Expect<Equal<typeof data, number>>;
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.2344
Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.};

The test is currently failing because data is typed as any instead of number.

How can we type data as a number without changing the calls to fetch or response.json()?

There are two possible solutions here.

Exercise 7: Typing Async Functions

Solution 1: Optional Function Parameters

By adding a question mark ? to the end of a parameter, it will be marked as optional:

function concatName(first: string, last?: string) {
  // ...implementation

Solution 2: Default Function Parameters

To add a default parameter in TypeScript, we would use the = syntax that is also used in JavaScript.

In this case, we will update last to default to "Pocock" if no value is provided:

export const concatName = (first: string, last?: string = "Pocock") => {
Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer.1015
Parameter cannot have question mark and initializer. return `${first} ${last}`; };

While this passes our runtime tests, it actually fails in TypeScript.

This is because TypeScript doesn't allow us to have both an optional parameter and a default value. The optionality is already implied by the default value.

To fix the error, we can remove the question mark from the last parameter:

export const concatName = (first: string, last = "Pocock") => {
  return `${first} ${last}`;

Solution 3: Rest Parameters

When using rest parameters, all of the arguments passed to the function will be collected into an array. This means that the strings parameter can be typed as an array of strings:

export function concatenate(...strings: string[]) {
  return strings.join("");

Or, of course, using the Array<> syntax:

export function concatenate(...strings: Array<string>) {
  return strings.join("");

Solution 4: Function Types

Let's start by annotating the makeChange parameter to be a function. For now, we'll specify that it returns any:

const modifyUser = (user: User[], id: string, makeChange: () => any) => {
  return => {
    if ( === id) {
      return makeChange(u);
Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.2554
Expected 0 arguments, but got 1. } return u; }); };

With this first change in place, we get an error under u when calling makeChange since we said that makeChange takes in no arguments.

This tells us we need to add a parameter to the makeChange function type.

In this case, we will specify that user is of type User.

const modifyUser = (
  user: User[],
  id: string,
  makeChange: (user: User) => any,
) => {
  // function body

This is pretty good, but we also need to make sure our makeChange function returns a User:

const modifyUser = (
  user: User[],
  id: string,
  makeChange: (user: User) => User,
) => {
  // function body

Now the errors are resolved, and we have autocompletion for the User properties when writing a makeChange function.

Optionally, we can clean up the code a bit by creating a type alias for the makeChange function type:

type MakeChangeFunc = (user: User) => User;

const modifyUser = (user: User[], id: string, makeChange: MakeChangeFunc) => {
  // function body

Both techniques behave the same, but if you need to reuse the makeChange function type, a type alias is the way to go.

Solution 5: Functions Returning void

Let's start by annotating the listener parameter to be a function. For now, we'll specify that it returns a string:

const addClickEventListener = (listener: () => string) => {
  document.addEventListener("click", listener);

The problem is that we now have an error when we call addClickEventListener with a function that returns nothing:

addClickEventListener(() => {
Argument of type '() => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => string'. Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'string'.2345
Argument of type '() => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '() => string'. Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'string'. console.log("Clicked!"); });

The error message tells us that the listener function is returning void, which is not assignable to string.

This suggests that instead of typing the listener parameter as a function that returns a string, we should type it as a function that returns void:

const addClickEventListener = (listener: () => void) => {
  document.addEventListener("click", listener);

This is a great way to tell TypeScript that we don't care about the return value of the listener function.

Solution 6: void vs undefined

The solution is to change the of callback to () => void:

const acceptsCallback = (callback: () => void) => {

Now we can pass in returnString without any issues. This is because returnString returns a string, and void tells TypeScript to ignore the return value when comparing them.

So if you really don't care about the result of a function, you should type it as () => void.

Solution 7: Typing Async Functions

You might be tempted to try passing a type argument to fetch, similar to how you would with Map or Set.

However, hovering over fetch, we can see that it doesn't accept type arguments:

// @noErrors
const response = fetch<number>("");
//               ^?

We also can't add a type annotation to response.json() because as it doesn't accept type arguments either:

const data: number = await response.json<number>();
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.2558
Expected 0 type arguments, but got 1.

One thing that will work is to specify that data is a number:

const response = await fetch("");

// ---cut---
const data: number = await response.json();

This works because data was any before, and await response.json() returns any. So now we're putting any into a slot that requires a number.

However, the best way to solve this problem is to add a return type to the function. In this case, it should be a number:

async function fetchData(): number {
The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise<T> type. Did you mean to write 'Promise<number>'?1064
The return type of an async function or method must be the global Promise<T> type. Did you mean to write 'Promise<number>'? // function body return 123; }

Now data is typed as a number, except we have an error under our return type annotation.

So, we should change the return type to Promise<number>:

async function fetchData(): Promise<number> {
  const response = await fetch("");

  const data = await response.json();

  return data;

By wrapping the number inside of Promise<>, we make sure that the data is awaited before the type is figured out.

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