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How to use @ts-expect-error

@ts-expect-error lets you specify that an error will occur on the next line of the file.

Without @ts-expect-error, this line of code errors:

const x: string = 12;
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

But with it, it quietens the error:

// @ts-expect-error
const x: string = 12;

Fixing the 'Unused @ts-expect-error directive' error

In fact, if @ts-expect-error doesn't find an error, it will source an error itself:

// @ts-expect-error
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.2578
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.

This is helpful because it lets us use @ts-expect-error to test our types by letting us be sure that an error will occur.

Including a description with @ts-expect-error

You might also run into this error:

"Include a description after the @ts-expect-error directive to explain why the @ts-expect-error is necessary. The description must be 3 characters or longer."

This comes from a TypeScript ESLint rule. It exists to force you to explain why you're using expecting an error.

Imagine a line of code like this:

// @ts-expect-error

It's not clear why we're passing this piece of code a number. Is it a mistake? Is it intentional? If it's intentional, why?

Adding a description to the @ts-expect-error directive helps us explain why we're expecting an error:

// @ts-expect-error: Should expect string

Descriptions aren't perfect

Though it's important to note that description doesn't help TypeScript narrow what the error is at all. We might be generating an error we didn't expect, such as misspelling the function:

const expectsstring = (x: string) => {};

Cannot find name 'expectsString'. Did you mean 'expectsstring'?2552
Cannot find name 'expectsString'. Did you mean 'expectsstring'?

In fact, there's no native way in TypeScript that you can narrow down the exact error thrown by a line of code. So, using @ts-expect-error with a loose description is your best bet.

@ts-expect-error or @ts-ignore?

When you actually want to ignore an error, you'll be tempted to use @ts-ignore. It works similarly to @ts-expect-error, except for one thing: it won't error if it doesn't find an error:

// @ts-ignore
const x: string = 12;

Sometimes, you'll want to ignore an error that later down the line gets fixed. If you're using @ts-ignore, it'll just ignore the fact that the error is gone.

But with @ts-expect-error, you'll actually get a hint that the directive is now safe to remove. So if you're choosing between them, pick @ts-expect-error.

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How to use @ts-expect-error